The season was almost over and the Penguins had made it into the playoffs yet again. They were on a roll and were determined to win that cup again.
This also meant that Carrie could give birth at any time now. She was so ready to not be pregnant anymore. The twins were excited too about the new baby. Ava and Aaron looked patting Carrie's abdomen and saying "Hi baby". It was hilarious because Sidney tried doing it a few times and Carrie looked at him and said, "Its not as cute when you say it Siddo, sorry".
"Hey I am cute though maybe if I kiss you it will be cuter then" laughed Sidney as he kissed Carrie.
"That is definitely works in your favor for being cute and sexy when saying it now" smiled Carrie.
A few days later when Sidney was at practice, Mario came walking down to the ice and looked around for Sidney. Mario found him and motioned for him to come over. Sidney skated over to Mario, "Hey Mario, what's up?"
"I just got an urgent call from Natalie saying that she took Carrie to the hospital and that you better get your ass there now. It sounds like you are going to be a dad soon, Sid" Mario said as Sidney skated off the ice and ran as best as he could in his skates to the locker room.
"Hey where is Sidney going?" asked Coach Dan as he skated over to Mario.
"Carrie is in labor" Mario said.
"Oh wow that's wonderful" Coach Dan said smiling.
Sidney had never gotten out of his uniform, showered and dressed faster in his life. Then luckily he did not have far to drive to the hospital and got there quickly and then ran until he found Natalie, who then got Sidney to the delivery room where Carrie was getting prepped for delivery.
"Hey Hot shot glad you got here. I knew that Natalie would get you here for me"
"Hey I am not missing the birth of our baby. I never moved so fast in my life to get here to be with you. I love you Carrie" Sidney said as he kissed her forehead.
"I love you too, Sidney" Carrie said and then a contraction hit her and she squeezed the crap out of Sidney's hand. But he winced for a moment and thought 'please let this baby come out soon' then he saw that Carrie let go of his hand.
"Sorry Sid, that contraction came out of no where. Is your hand OK?" Carrie asked.
"Its ok sweetheart. Do you need anything?" asked Sidney.
"Yes can you get me a cool washcloth for my face and some ice to suck on. Please" Carrie said.
"Sure no problem" Sidney said as he went and got the washcloth and ice for Carrie.
Then Sidney gave Carrie the ice and the cool washcloth. Carrie put the washcloth on her forehead and it felt good.
Finally after the doctor check on Carrie for the last time and said it looked like it was time for baby to arrive. So after about an hour and Sidney coaching Carrie to push they had beautiful baby boy. He was perfect with ten little toes and ten little fingers that Sidney counted. They cleaned him and Carrie up and then the baby was placed in Carrie's lap. Sidney sat next to them on Carrie's bed.
"Wow he is just so little. And you were so amazing Carrie" Sidney said as he kissed Carrie.
"Yeah he is so adorable and thanks Coach Sidney" Carrie said as she smiled at Sidney.
"Sorry to interrupt but does this little guy have a name?" asked the nurse.
"Yeah he does. His name is Zachery Patrick Crosby" Sidney said.
"Thanks Mr. Crosby" the nurse said and went to finish some paperwork.
Finally Sidney went and got Natalie and the twins into the room so they could meet Zachery. The twins were quite interested in the new baby and thought he was so little. Natalie was quickly on the phone with Mario telling him about Zachery. And of course Mario got the word out to all of the Penguins organization that there was a new member of the family named Zachery Patrick Crosby. Carrie and Sidney's families were informed as well.
Later that afternoon several of the players were visiting and meeting Zachery and it was crazy. Of course the media was outside and heard things and it was nuts. But Carrie and Sidney knew that it was part of their lives. Carrie could not believe all the flowers and stuffed animals in her room but it had been like that when the twins were born too.
Finally that evening everyone left and Sidney and Carrie had few minutes alone because Zachery was in the nursery so that both Carrie and Zachery could have a decent nights sleep.
"Carrie I know that you are exhausted so I am going to let you get some rest but I want you to know that I am in awe of you again after giving birth to our son. I love you so much" Sidney said.
"Thanks Sidney you are the best and I love you so much too. Right now I really do want to sleep it has been one insane day" Carrie said and then Sidney leaned in for a kiss.
"Good night Carrie and I will see you in the morning" Sidney said as he got up to leave.
"Good night Sidney" Carrie said as she yawned and got comfortable in her hospital bed.
Sidney smiled and walked out of Carrie's room and then walked by the nursery to see Zachery one more time that evening.
Sidney headed home and when he got there Natalie was just finishing getting the twins settled for the night.
"Thanks Natalie for everything. My mom was supposed to be here yesterday but her flight was canceled until tomorrow around lunch time so I think I will stop by the hospital in the morning and hang out with Carrie and Zachery and then go and get her. You can still watch the twins tomorrow right until my mom gets here?" asked Sidney.
"Yes its not a problem. I will be here in the morning, Sidney. Congratulations on becoming a father again" Natalie said giving Sidney a hug.
"Thanks Natalie" Sidney said.
Then Natalie left and Sidney went to check on the twins and then went to bed himself.
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