Friday, August 28, 2009
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Best Friends Epilogue
Sidney and Carrie enjoyed watching their kids grow up after Sidney finally retired after many years in the NHL and several more Stanley Cups. He was now an assistant coach for the Penguins and was very happy with that. Aaron played hockey just like his dad in college and then was actually drafted into the NHL by the Montreal Canadians as a goalie. Ava played hockey too in college and went to play for the USA woman's team for the Olympics. She also worked as a photojournalist on the side for the Pittsburgh Penguins since she could not play professional hockey like Aaron. She was a center like her dad and was an amazing goal scorer. Now as for Zachery he was more like his mom and was a communications major in college and decided to be a sports commentator for NHL. He loved to talk and interview people. All the Crosby kids ended up being very successful at something they loved and that was the most important thing that Carrie and Sidney wanted for them.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Happy Birthday to Sidney
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Best Friends Chapter 51
***Hey for whoever is reading this story on here, THANKS FOR READING!!!!!!!! This is the last chapter but I am going to write a epilogue so don't fret completely. Enjoy!!!***
The playoffs started and the Penguins were going full tilt and not planning on stopping until they had that big silver chalice in their grips.
Carrie could not go and cheer for Sidney and the Penguins for the first two rounds so she stayed at home and watched the games on the television with baby Zachery. The twins would go with Sidney and Natalie would watch them during the game so they could be there and cheer on their dad.
Carrie was able to make it with baby Zachery to the Eastern Conference Finals where the Penguins were playing the Washington Capitals with the Penguins have home advantage in this round. Of course there was the media coverage of the rivalry between Sidney and Alex. Sidney of course ignored all of it and went and played his heart out because it was determined to get that cup again no matter what!
Sure enough after five games the Penguins won and it was onto the Stanley Cup Finals again. This time the Penguins were taking no prisoners. They were going to be playing the Chicago Blackhawks. It was going to be a seriously tough series because both teams were very talented and obviously no one wanted to lose. Again the Penguins had the home ice advantage because they had been the top team in the NHL that season with the Blackhawks not too far behind as third overall.
The series began and it was close with the Blackhawks winning the first game and then the Penguins won the next three. Now they were back in Pittsburgh and everyone wanted to win it on home ice. Tonight's game was going to be crazy and Carrie knew it so she, Zachery and twins had given Sidney is space so he could get focused on winning the cup tonight.
Carrie was getting Ava, Aaron and Zachery ready for the game. Sidney walked into the twins room where Carrie was with the kids.
"Hey doll face can I help with anything?" asked Sidney as he walked over to Carrie while she was getting Ava situated. Zachery was sitting in his baby carrier and Aaron was playing with a toy.
"Yeah if you don't mind. Can you get Aaron finished dressed please?" Carrie said.
"Sure no problem sweetheart. Come here Aaron" Sidney called out and Aaron walked over to his dad and Sidney helped him into his jersey and getting his shoes on.
Finally the whole crew was set and ready to head to the car. Carrie and Sidney got Aaron, Ava and Zachery into their car seats and then they climbed into the Range Rover and headed off to the arena.
They got to the arena and Sidney helped get all the kids out and Sidney carried Zachery in his carrier while the twins held each others hands and stayed near Carrie. Sidney took Carrie's hand and held it as they walked inside the building.
The Crosby crew got to the lobby of the locker room and Sidney put Zachery down and looked at Carrie.
"Good Luck Sidney and just go for it because I believe you guys are the better team. I love you. Ava, Aaron give daddy kisses and then we need to go up to the box so we can watch the game" Carrie said as Sidney squatted down and the twins gave him kisses and good luck hugs.
Then Sidney got up and pulled Carrie to him and gave her a kiss too, "I love you too doll face. See you guys later." And then Sidney headed off to the locker room to get ready for the game.
Carrie then took her crew and headed up to the box to watch the game.
The game started crazy with both teams playing hard. The first period ended with no one scoring. Then the second period started with a bang as Sidney sent a pass to Kris and then back to Sidney who scored. A little while later on Patrick Kane came back and even up the score and that was it for the second period. The third period was quiet at first and then out of no where Max came and scored for the Penguins. There was still some time left and the Blackhawks tried to score but Marc Andre was like a brick wall. With a minute left the Blackhawks pulled Nikolai Khabibulin thinking that might help them even up the game and move to overtime but it did not and the Penguins won the Stanley Cup that year!
Carrie and all the kids were down on the ice with Sidney's parents. It was crazy on the ice but Carrie held Zachery in her arms while Trina held Ava and Troy had Aaron. Taylor was near too and of course Sidney grabbed Carrie and kissed her and then took Zachery out of her arms and kissed him too. The media surrounded Sidney again but gave him some space since he was holding Zachery. Natalie got the whole Crosby family together with the Stanley Cup on the ice and took several pictures. Sidney was ecstatic and of course so was Carrie it was amazing time. Finally everyone headed into the locker room and it was raining champagne and it was crazy so Carrie and Trina kept the kids near them while Sidney and Troy faced the craziness of the center of the room. Of course Sidney did grab Carrie at one point and pulled her into his embrace and kissed her for the billionth time that night.
"Congratulations Hot Shot" Carrie said smiling at Sidney.
"Thanks Doll Face. I could not have done this without you" Sidney said smiling.
"Hey I did what any loving wife would do and cheered on her extremely talented husband."
"You are an amazing cheerleader, sweetheart. I love you."
"I love you too darling" Carrie said as she kissed Sidney again.
Sidney then knelt down as the twins went and jumped all over him. They gave Sidney hugs and kisses too. Of course the whole Crosby family was thrilled and it was the best night ever. Sidney got back up and pulled Carrie into his arms and held her close thinking he was the luckiest guy in the world.
Sidney was so happy because he had an amazing family and friends. Who could ask for anything more than of course winning the Stanley Cup again which had accomplished with Carrie's strength and love.
The playoffs started and the Penguins were going full tilt and not planning on stopping until they had that big silver chalice in their grips.
Carrie could not go and cheer for Sidney and the Penguins for the first two rounds so she stayed at home and watched the games on the television with baby Zachery. The twins would go with Sidney and Natalie would watch them during the game so they could be there and cheer on their dad.
Carrie was able to make it with baby Zachery to the Eastern Conference Finals where the Penguins were playing the Washington Capitals with the Penguins have home advantage in this round. Of course there was the media coverage of the rivalry between Sidney and Alex. Sidney of course ignored all of it and went and played his heart out because it was determined to get that cup again no matter what!
Sure enough after five games the Penguins won and it was onto the Stanley Cup Finals again. This time the Penguins were taking no prisoners. They were going to be playing the Chicago Blackhawks. It was going to be a seriously tough series because both teams were very talented and obviously no one wanted to lose. Again the Penguins had the home ice advantage because they had been the top team in the NHL that season with the Blackhawks not too far behind as third overall.
The series began and it was close with the Blackhawks winning the first game and then the Penguins won the next three. Now they were back in Pittsburgh and everyone wanted to win it on home ice. Tonight's game was going to be crazy and Carrie knew it so she, Zachery and twins had given Sidney is space so he could get focused on winning the cup tonight.
Carrie was getting Ava, Aaron and Zachery ready for the game. Sidney walked into the twins room where Carrie was with the kids.
"Hey doll face can I help with anything?" asked Sidney as he walked over to Carrie while she was getting Ava situated. Zachery was sitting in his baby carrier and Aaron was playing with a toy.
"Yeah if you don't mind. Can you get Aaron finished dressed please?" Carrie said.
"Sure no problem sweetheart. Come here Aaron" Sidney called out and Aaron walked over to his dad and Sidney helped him into his jersey and getting his shoes on.
Finally the whole crew was set and ready to head to the car. Carrie and Sidney got Aaron, Ava and Zachery into their car seats and then they climbed into the Range Rover and headed off to the arena.
They got to the arena and Sidney helped get all the kids out and Sidney carried Zachery in his carrier while the twins held each others hands and stayed near Carrie. Sidney took Carrie's hand and held it as they walked inside the building.
The Crosby crew got to the lobby of the locker room and Sidney put Zachery down and looked at Carrie.
"Good Luck Sidney and just go for it because I believe you guys are the better team. I love you. Ava, Aaron give daddy kisses and then we need to go up to the box so we can watch the game" Carrie said as Sidney squatted down and the twins gave him kisses and good luck hugs.
Then Sidney got up and pulled Carrie to him and gave her a kiss too, "I love you too doll face. See you guys later." And then Sidney headed off to the locker room to get ready for the game.
Carrie then took her crew and headed up to the box to watch the game.
The game started crazy with both teams playing hard. The first period ended with no one scoring. Then the second period started with a bang as Sidney sent a pass to Kris and then back to Sidney who scored. A little while later on Patrick Kane came back and even up the score and that was it for the second period. The third period was quiet at first and then out of no where Max came and scored for the Penguins. There was still some time left and the Blackhawks tried to score but Marc Andre was like a brick wall. With a minute left the Blackhawks pulled Nikolai Khabibulin thinking that might help them even up the game and move to overtime but it did not and the Penguins won the Stanley Cup that year!
Carrie and all the kids were down on the ice with Sidney's parents. It was crazy on the ice but Carrie held Zachery in her arms while Trina held Ava and Troy had Aaron. Taylor was near too and of course Sidney grabbed Carrie and kissed her and then took Zachery out of her arms and kissed him too. The media surrounded Sidney again but gave him some space since he was holding Zachery. Natalie got the whole Crosby family together with the Stanley Cup on the ice and took several pictures. Sidney was ecstatic and of course so was Carrie it was amazing time. Finally everyone headed into the locker room and it was raining champagne and it was crazy so Carrie and Trina kept the kids near them while Sidney and Troy faced the craziness of the center of the room. Of course Sidney did grab Carrie at one point and pulled her into his embrace and kissed her for the billionth time that night.
"Congratulations Hot Shot" Carrie said smiling at Sidney.
"Thanks Doll Face. I could not have done this without you" Sidney said smiling.
"Hey I did what any loving wife would do and cheered on her extremely talented husband."
"You are an amazing cheerleader, sweetheart. I love you."
"I love you too darling" Carrie said as she kissed Sidney again.
Sidney then knelt down as the twins went and jumped all over him. They gave Sidney hugs and kisses too. Of course the whole Crosby family was thrilled and it was the best night ever. Sidney got back up and pulled Carrie into his arms and held her close thinking he was the luckiest guy in the world.
Sidney was so happy because he had an amazing family and friends. Who could ask for anything more than of course winning the Stanley Cup again which had accomplished with Carrie's strength and love.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Best Friends Chapter 50
The season was almost over and the Penguins had made it into the playoffs yet again. They were on a roll and were determined to win that cup again.
This also meant that Carrie could give birth at any time now. She was so ready to not be pregnant anymore. The twins were excited too about the new baby. Ava and Aaron looked patting Carrie's abdomen and saying "Hi baby". It was hilarious because Sidney tried doing it a few times and Carrie looked at him and said, "Its not as cute when you say it Siddo, sorry".
"Hey I am cute though maybe if I kiss you it will be cuter then" laughed Sidney as he kissed Carrie.
"That is definitely works in your favor for being cute and sexy when saying it now" smiled Carrie.
A few days later when Sidney was at practice, Mario came walking down to the ice and looked around for Sidney. Mario found him and motioned for him to come over. Sidney skated over to Mario, "Hey Mario, what's up?"
"I just got an urgent call from Natalie saying that she took Carrie to the hospital and that you better get your ass there now. It sounds like you are going to be a dad soon, Sid" Mario said as Sidney skated off the ice and ran as best as he could in his skates to the locker room.
"Hey where is Sidney going?" asked Coach Dan as he skated over to Mario.
"Carrie is in labor" Mario said.
"Oh wow that's wonderful" Coach Dan said smiling.
Sidney had never gotten out of his uniform, showered and dressed faster in his life. Then luckily he did not have far to drive to the hospital and got there quickly and then ran until he found Natalie, who then got Sidney to the delivery room where Carrie was getting prepped for delivery.
"Hey Hot shot glad you got here. I knew that Natalie would get you here for me"
"Hey I am not missing the birth of our baby. I never moved so fast in my life to get here to be with you. I love you Carrie" Sidney said as he kissed her forehead.
"I love you too, Sidney" Carrie said and then a contraction hit her and she squeezed the crap out of Sidney's hand. But he winced for a moment and thought 'please let this baby come out soon' then he saw that Carrie let go of his hand.
"Sorry Sid, that contraction came out of no where. Is your hand OK?" Carrie asked.
"Its ok sweetheart. Do you need anything?" asked Sidney.
"Yes can you get me a cool washcloth for my face and some ice to suck on. Please" Carrie said.
"Sure no problem" Sidney said as he went and got the washcloth and ice for Carrie.
Then Sidney gave Carrie the ice and the cool washcloth. Carrie put the washcloth on her forehead and it felt good.
Finally after the doctor check on Carrie for the last time and said it looked like it was time for baby to arrive. So after about an hour and Sidney coaching Carrie to push they had beautiful baby boy. He was perfect with ten little toes and ten little fingers that Sidney counted. They cleaned him and Carrie up and then the baby was placed in Carrie's lap. Sidney sat next to them on Carrie's bed.
"Wow he is just so little. And you were so amazing Carrie" Sidney said as he kissed Carrie.
"Yeah he is so adorable and thanks Coach Sidney" Carrie said as she smiled at Sidney.
"Sorry to interrupt but does this little guy have a name?" asked the nurse.
"Yeah he does. His name is Zachery Patrick Crosby" Sidney said.
"Thanks Mr. Crosby" the nurse said and went to finish some paperwork.
Finally Sidney went and got Natalie and the twins into the room so they could meet Zachery. The twins were quite interested in the new baby and thought he was so little. Natalie was quickly on the phone with Mario telling him about Zachery. And of course Mario got the word out to all of the Penguins organization that there was a new member of the family named Zachery Patrick Crosby. Carrie and Sidney's families were informed as well.
Later that afternoon several of the players were visiting and meeting Zachery and it was crazy. Of course the media was outside and heard things and it was nuts. But Carrie and Sidney knew that it was part of their lives. Carrie could not believe all the flowers and stuffed animals in her room but it had been like that when the twins were born too.
Finally that evening everyone left and Sidney and Carrie had few minutes alone because Zachery was in the nursery so that both Carrie and Zachery could have a decent nights sleep.
"Carrie I know that you are exhausted so I am going to let you get some rest but I want you to know that I am in awe of you again after giving birth to our son. I love you so much" Sidney said.
"Thanks Sidney you are the best and I love you so much too. Right now I really do want to sleep it has been one insane day" Carrie said and then Sidney leaned in for a kiss.
"Good night Carrie and I will see you in the morning" Sidney said as he got up to leave.
"Good night Sidney" Carrie said as she yawned and got comfortable in her hospital bed.
Sidney smiled and walked out of Carrie's room and then walked by the nursery to see Zachery one more time that evening.
Sidney headed home and when he got there Natalie was just finishing getting the twins settled for the night.
"Thanks Natalie for everything. My mom was supposed to be here yesterday but her flight was canceled until tomorrow around lunch time so I think I will stop by the hospital in the morning and hang out with Carrie and Zachery and then go and get her. You can still watch the twins tomorrow right until my mom gets here?" asked Sidney.
"Yes its not a problem. I will be here in the morning, Sidney. Congratulations on becoming a father again" Natalie said giving Sidney a hug.
"Thanks Natalie" Sidney said.
Then Natalie left and Sidney went to check on the twins and then went to bed himself.
This also meant that Carrie could give birth at any time now. She was so ready to not be pregnant anymore. The twins were excited too about the new baby. Ava and Aaron looked patting Carrie's abdomen and saying "Hi baby". It was hilarious because Sidney tried doing it a few times and Carrie looked at him and said, "Its not as cute when you say it Siddo, sorry".
"Hey I am cute though maybe if I kiss you it will be cuter then" laughed Sidney as he kissed Carrie.
"That is definitely works in your favor for being cute and sexy when saying it now" smiled Carrie.
A few days later when Sidney was at practice, Mario came walking down to the ice and looked around for Sidney. Mario found him and motioned for him to come over. Sidney skated over to Mario, "Hey Mario, what's up?"
"I just got an urgent call from Natalie saying that she took Carrie to the hospital and that you better get your ass there now. It sounds like you are going to be a dad soon, Sid" Mario said as Sidney skated off the ice and ran as best as he could in his skates to the locker room.
"Hey where is Sidney going?" asked Coach Dan as he skated over to Mario.
"Carrie is in labor" Mario said.
"Oh wow that's wonderful" Coach Dan said smiling.
Sidney had never gotten out of his uniform, showered and dressed faster in his life. Then luckily he did not have far to drive to the hospital and got there quickly and then ran until he found Natalie, who then got Sidney to the delivery room where Carrie was getting prepped for delivery.
"Hey Hot shot glad you got here. I knew that Natalie would get you here for me"
"Hey I am not missing the birth of our baby. I never moved so fast in my life to get here to be with you. I love you Carrie" Sidney said as he kissed her forehead.
"I love you too, Sidney" Carrie said and then a contraction hit her and she squeezed the crap out of Sidney's hand. But he winced for a moment and thought 'please let this baby come out soon' then he saw that Carrie let go of his hand.
"Sorry Sid, that contraction came out of no where. Is your hand OK?" Carrie asked.
"Its ok sweetheart. Do you need anything?" asked Sidney.
"Yes can you get me a cool washcloth for my face and some ice to suck on. Please" Carrie said.
"Sure no problem" Sidney said as he went and got the washcloth and ice for Carrie.
Then Sidney gave Carrie the ice and the cool washcloth. Carrie put the washcloth on her forehead and it felt good.
Finally after the doctor check on Carrie for the last time and said it looked like it was time for baby to arrive. So after about an hour and Sidney coaching Carrie to push they had beautiful baby boy. He was perfect with ten little toes and ten little fingers that Sidney counted. They cleaned him and Carrie up and then the baby was placed in Carrie's lap. Sidney sat next to them on Carrie's bed.
"Wow he is just so little. And you were so amazing Carrie" Sidney said as he kissed Carrie.
"Yeah he is so adorable and thanks Coach Sidney" Carrie said as she smiled at Sidney.
"Sorry to interrupt but does this little guy have a name?" asked the nurse.
"Yeah he does. His name is Zachery Patrick Crosby" Sidney said.
"Thanks Mr. Crosby" the nurse said and went to finish some paperwork.
Finally Sidney went and got Natalie and the twins into the room so they could meet Zachery. The twins were quite interested in the new baby and thought he was so little. Natalie was quickly on the phone with Mario telling him about Zachery. And of course Mario got the word out to all of the Penguins organization that there was a new member of the family named Zachery Patrick Crosby. Carrie and Sidney's families were informed as well.
Later that afternoon several of the players were visiting and meeting Zachery and it was crazy. Of course the media was outside and heard things and it was nuts. But Carrie and Sidney knew that it was part of their lives. Carrie could not believe all the flowers and stuffed animals in her room but it had been like that when the twins were born too.
Finally that evening everyone left and Sidney and Carrie had few minutes alone because Zachery was in the nursery so that both Carrie and Zachery could have a decent nights sleep.
"Carrie I know that you are exhausted so I am going to let you get some rest but I want you to know that I am in awe of you again after giving birth to our son. I love you so much" Sidney said.
"Thanks Sidney you are the best and I love you so much too. Right now I really do want to sleep it has been one insane day" Carrie said and then Sidney leaned in for a kiss.
"Good night Carrie and I will see you in the morning" Sidney said as he got up to leave.
"Good night Sidney" Carrie said as she yawned and got comfortable in her hospital bed.
Sidney smiled and walked out of Carrie's room and then walked by the nursery to see Zachery one more time that evening.
Sidney headed home and when he got there Natalie was just finishing getting the twins settled for the night.
"Thanks Natalie for everything. My mom was supposed to be here yesterday but her flight was canceled until tomorrow around lunch time so I think I will stop by the hospital in the morning and hang out with Carrie and Zachery and then go and get her. You can still watch the twins tomorrow right until my mom gets here?" asked Sidney.
"Yes its not a problem. I will be here in the morning, Sidney. Congratulations on becoming a father again" Natalie said giving Sidney a hug.
"Thanks Natalie" Sidney said.
Then Natalie left and Sidney went to check on the twins and then went to bed himself.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Best Friends Chapter 49
Sure enough the river cruise helped the guys get back in sync. They started winning again and playing like a team wanting to win the big prize. Marc Andre had a couple of shutout games which really excited the guys.
Carrie and Sidney were getting ready for the new baby too. Carrie was due towards the end of March and the end of the regular season. Sidney knew that his life was going to get hectic but luckily his mom was coming down to Pittsburgh to help out.
Carrie and Sidney had decided to wait to find out if they were having a girl or a boy this time. They did know that it was only one baby this time which both Sidney and Carrie breathed a sigh of relief.
"Hey Carrie thank goodness your twin gene decided to chill this time" Sidney joked.
"Yeah I am glad it took a break because do you remember how sick I felt. That was horrible but this time though its weird lately when we are intimate, I get so nauseous right after wards. Maybe the baby is resentful that you get so much of my attention lately, hot shot" laughed Carrie and then saw the Sidney looked extremely hurt by that comment. Carrie went to grab his hand and he walked away.
"Sorry Sidney" Carrie called out as she heard Sidney walk out the back door. She decided to give him some time to himself and then she would go and find him and they could talk.
Carrie went and did some laundry and straightened up around the house. She checked on the twins who were napping. Carrie went out to the backyard and saw Sidney shooting pucks into the practice net they had set up. Carrie went and sat down on a chair nearby and Sidney looked up for a second and then went back to shooting the pucks.
"Hot shot I am sorry about what I said earlier. Please forgive me it was just a joke. I mean I joke about other things why did this make you so upset?" Carrie asked totally confused.
Sidney put down the hockey stick and walked over to where Carrie was sitting and sat down next to her.
"I guess why this joke hurt more was because its our baby. I don't want our children to be resentful of my time with you or them. I miss so much because of my job but I love playing hockey and being a father and husband. I have a crazy hectic life but I am trying my best to balance everything" explained Sidney.
"Hey I know you have probably the craziest life but you do an wonderful job of making everything work and I love you so much for everything. I hope you know that, Sidney. I apologized for that stupid comment I made and I know our children love you so much" Carrie said as tears filled up her eyes. Sidney stood up and pulled her to him and held her close, "I forgive you and love you too, Carrie".
That evening Sidney had another game so Carrie and the twins were all dressed up in their Crosby jerseys and cheering on Sidney. The Penguins won and so after Sidney was interviewed he came out and saw the twins chasing after Marc Andre and Kris Letang. Sidney noticed how Carrie and Vero were laughing as the twins were doing a pretty good job of getting Marc Andre and Kris. Sidney couldn't help but laugh too it was a sight to see his two year old twins were making two 20 something guys a run for their money.
"Hey ladies" Sidney said as he sat down next to Carrie on the sofa.
"Hey Sid" Carrie said as she continued to laugh at the silly sight in front of them.
"Hey Sidney" Vero said as she too watched.
"I think the twins are winning and boy do Kris and Marc Andre looked like their are about to pass out. This is hilarious" Sidney joked.
Finally Kris sat down on the floor like he passed out. Marc Andre followed Kris's lead and sat down too.
"Man you two have way too much energy" Kris said smiling as Aaron went and sat down in Kris's lap. Ava wandered over to Marc Andre and sat down in his lap.
"Yeah I don't know how you guys handle this and now with a new baby coming soon. My hats off to you guys" Marc Andre said.
"We work as a team and somehow pull it all together, right Carrie" Sidney said putting his hand on Carrie's thigh.
"Yeah we do somehow" Carrie said smiling at Sidney.
Finally everyone headed to their cars and headed home for the night.
Carrie and Sidney were getting ready for the new baby too. Carrie was due towards the end of March and the end of the regular season. Sidney knew that his life was going to get hectic but luckily his mom was coming down to Pittsburgh to help out.
Carrie and Sidney had decided to wait to find out if they were having a girl or a boy this time. They did know that it was only one baby this time which both Sidney and Carrie breathed a sigh of relief.
"Hey Carrie thank goodness your twin gene decided to chill this time" Sidney joked.
"Yeah I am glad it took a break because do you remember how sick I felt. That was horrible but this time though its weird lately when we are intimate, I get so nauseous right after wards. Maybe the baby is resentful that you get so much of my attention lately, hot shot" laughed Carrie and then saw the Sidney looked extremely hurt by that comment. Carrie went to grab his hand and he walked away.
"Sorry Sidney" Carrie called out as she heard Sidney walk out the back door. She decided to give him some time to himself and then she would go and find him and they could talk.
Carrie went and did some laundry and straightened up around the house. She checked on the twins who were napping. Carrie went out to the backyard and saw Sidney shooting pucks into the practice net they had set up. Carrie went and sat down on a chair nearby and Sidney looked up for a second and then went back to shooting the pucks.
"Hot shot I am sorry about what I said earlier. Please forgive me it was just a joke. I mean I joke about other things why did this make you so upset?" Carrie asked totally confused.
Sidney put down the hockey stick and walked over to where Carrie was sitting and sat down next to her.
"I guess why this joke hurt more was because its our baby. I don't want our children to be resentful of my time with you or them. I miss so much because of my job but I love playing hockey and being a father and husband. I have a crazy hectic life but I am trying my best to balance everything" explained Sidney.
"Hey I know you have probably the craziest life but you do an wonderful job of making everything work and I love you so much for everything. I hope you know that, Sidney. I apologized for that stupid comment I made and I know our children love you so much" Carrie said as tears filled up her eyes. Sidney stood up and pulled her to him and held her close, "I forgive you and love you too, Carrie".
That evening Sidney had another game so Carrie and the twins were all dressed up in their Crosby jerseys and cheering on Sidney. The Penguins won and so after Sidney was interviewed he came out and saw the twins chasing after Marc Andre and Kris Letang. Sidney noticed how Carrie and Vero were laughing as the twins were doing a pretty good job of getting Marc Andre and Kris. Sidney couldn't help but laugh too it was a sight to see his two year old twins were making two 20 something guys a run for their money.
"Hey ladies" Sidney said as he sat down next to Carrie on the sofa.
"Hey Sid" Carrie said as she continued to laugh at the silly sight in front of them.
"Hey Sidney" Vero said as she too watched.
"I think the twins are winning and boy do Kris and Marc Andre looked like their are about to pass out. This is hilarious" Sidney joked.
Finally Kris sat down on the floor like he passed out. Marc Andre followed Kris's lead and sat down too.
"Man you two have way too much energy" Kris said smiling as Aaron went and sat down in Kris's lap. Ava wandered over to Marc Andre and sat down in his lap.
"Yeah I don't know how you guys handle this and now with a new baby coming soon. My hats off to you guys" Marc Andre said.
"We work as a team and somehow pull it all together, right Carrie" Sidney said putting his hand on Carrie's thigh.
"Yeah we do somehow" Carrie said smiling at Sidney.
Finally everyone headed to their cars and headed home for the night.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Best Friends Chapter 48
***Sorry about this being a short chapter. Enjoy!!!***
Warning Adult Themes
The next morning Sidney woke up and watched as Carrie slept next to him. He moved slightly and Carrie felt him move and woke up too.
"Hey Sid don't move, I was comfortable and warm" Carrie complained as she moved so she would be in his arms.
"I know something that might make both of us quite warm" Sidney said seductively into Carrie's ear.
Carrie looked up at Sidney with a smile as he helped her out of her pajamas. He quickly pulled off his boxers and Carrie could feel he was very ready for fun. Sidney moved on top of Carrie and he kissed her. Carrie put her arms around his broad shoulders and held onto him tightly. Sidney then started kissing Carrie's earlobe and then her neck then moved down to her breasts some attention. Finally he kissed her abdomen and smiled as he looked up at Carrie and she smiled too. He moved back up and kissed her lips and moved her legs apart and slid into her slowly and started to move in and out of Carrie. Sidney changed his speed, sometimes slow and sometimes fast. It was driving both of them crazy but it felt wonderful. Sidney continued to make love to Carrie and finally he felt her body squeeze his and she cried out as her orgasm hit her. Sidney thrust a few more times and then felt his body shutter too and then he swore under his breath as he collapsed onto Carrie. They held each other for a little bit and then Sidney moved off of Carrie but pulled her so that she was still in his arms. Carrie leaned over to kiss Sidney and then the moment was killed because Carrie felt a major wave of nausea hit her and she jumped up and ran into the bathroom to throw up. Sidney being the wonderful gentleman he was brought Carrie her pjs so she could get dressed. Carrie put her pjs back on and clean herself up and put her hand on her abdomen and looked at Sidney.
"Obviously the baby wanted some attention" joked Sidney as he rubbed Carrie's abdomen.
"I guess so" laughed Carrie as she shook her head.
"So are you ok?" asked Sidney.
"Yeah and now the little attention getter is making me hungry. Man being pregnant does really weird things to me" Carrie said.
"OK you go and work on making some breakfast and I will go and get 'Frick and Frack' up and changed, OK" Sidney said as he pulled Carrie in for another quick kiss.
"I like that plan, Hot Shot" Carrie said as they headed out of the bedroom.
Carrie got breakfast going as Sidney took care of the twins. They all sat down at the kitchen table and had an enjoyable breakfast.
After breakfast Sidney and Carrie got the twins dressed for the day and then they each took turns getting ready themselves. Like Coach Dan had said they had a later practice today so Sidney enjoyed his morning with his family. Then he headed off while Carrie and the twins decided to take a walk and then play in the pool.
Lunchtime came around and Leslie and Vero showed up to hang out with Carrie and the twins. They ate and played and talked. Then Carrie put the twins down for a nap and while they were sleeping she and the girls hung out and talked about their guys and the rest of the season. Finally Vero and Leslie headed home and Carrie decided since the twins were still sleeping she would take a nap too. Carrie slept until she felt the bed moved and when she felt a kiss on her lips. She opened her eyes to see Sidney smiling at her.
"Hey sleepyhead how was your nap?" Sidney asked getting comfortable next to Carrie.
"Wonderful especially the part where a handsome prince kisses me to wake me up" Carrie said smiling.
"I guess then that handsome prince must kiss you again" Sidney said leaning in for another mind blowing kiss.
After the kiss, Carrie smiled at Sidney and said, "I love you Sidney."
"I love you too Carrie" Sidney said.
Warning Adult Themes
The next morning Sidney woke up and watched as Carrie slept next to him. He moved slightly and Carrie felt him move and woke up too.
"Hey Sid don't move, I was comfortable and warm" Carrie complained as she moved so she would be in his arms.
"I know something that might make both of us quite warm" Sidney said seductively into Carrie's ear.
Carrie looked up at Sidney with a smile as he helped her out of her pajamas. He quickly pulled off his boxers and Carrie could feel he was very ready for fun. Sidney moved on top of Carrie and he kissed her. Carrie put her arms around his broad shoulders and held onto him tightly. Sidney then started kissing Carrie's earlobe and then her neck then moved down to her breasts some attention. Finally he kissed her abdomen and smiled as he looked up at Carrie and she smiled too. He moved back up and kissed her lips and moved her legs apart and slid into her slowly and started to move in and out of Carrie. Sidney changed his speed, sometimes slow and sometimes fast. It was driving both of them crazy but it felt wonderful. Sidney continued to make love to Carrie and finally he felt her body squeeze his and she cried out as her orgasm hit her. Sidney thrust a few more times and then felt his body shutter too and then he swore under his breath as he collapsed onto Carrie. They held each other for a little bit and then Sidney moved off of Carrie but pulled her so that she was still in his arms. Carrie leaned over to kiss Sidney and then the moment was killed because Carrie felt a major wave of nausea hit her and she jumped up and ran into the bathroom to throw up. Sidney being the wonderful gentleman he was brought Carrie her pjs so she could get dressed. Carrie put her pjs back on and clean herself up and put her hand on her abdomen and looked at Sidney.
"Obviously the baby wanted some attention" joked Sidney as he rubbed Carrie's abdomen.
"I guess so" laughed Carrie as she shook her head.
"So are you ok?" asked Sidney.
"Yeah and now the little attention getter is making me hungry. Man being pregnant does really weird things to me" Carrie said.
"OK you go and work on making some breakfast and I will go and get 'Frick and Frack' up and changed, OK" Sidney said as he pulled Carrie in for another quick kiss.
"I like that plan, Hot Shot" Carrie said as they headed out of the bedroom.
Carrie got breakfast going as Sidney took care of the twins. They all sat down at the kitchen table and had an enjoyable breakfast.
After breakfast Sidney and Carrie got the twins dressed for the day and then they each took turns getting ready themselves. Like Coach Dan had said they had a later practice today so Sidney enjoyed his morning with his family. Then he headed off while Carrie and the twins decided to take a walk and then play in the pool.
Lunchtime came around and Leslie and Vero showed up to hang out with Carrie and the twins. They ate and played and talked. Then Carrie put the twins down for a nap and while they were sleeping she and the girls hung out and talked about their guys and the rest of the season. Finally Vero and Leslie headed home and Carrie decided since the twins were still sleeping she would take a nap too. Carrie slept until she felt the bed moved and when she felt a kiss on her lips. She opened her eyes to see Sidney smiling at her.
"Hey sleepyhead how was your nap?" Sidney asked getting comfortable next to Carrie.
"Wonderful especially the part where a handsome prince kisses me to wake me up" Carrie said smiling.
"I guess then that handsome prince must kiss you again" Sidney said leaning in for another mind blowing kiss.
After the kiss, Carrie smiled at Sidney and said, "I love you Sidney."
"I love you too Carrie" Sidney said.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
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