One afternoon Carrie was sitting in bed reading when she noticed that her legs were wet and then it hit her.
"Sidney, Sidney get your ass in here I think my water broke and I need to get to the hospital NOW!" screamed Carrie as she started to get off the bed and look for her bag.
Sidney came running into the bedroom fast and helped Carrie out of the condo and to the car.
Sidney drove like a maniac to the hospital even though Carrie kept telling him to slow down because she did not wish to be in an accident.
"I am not driving that fast, Carrie. Anyway I want you to relax so that everything will go well in the delivery room."
"Fine Sidney fine."
They got to UPMC Mercy hospital and Sidney helped Carrie get situated as the nurses started prepping Carrie for delivery her twins. Carrie was settled into a room and now they just had to play the waiting game for when Carrie would finally give birth.
Sidney was calling everyone he could to tell them to get to the hospital so they could be there when the twins were born. Carrie's twin brother, Craig was on his way after he talked to Sidney. Both sets of parents were in Canada but would be there by the next day or so. Everyone was very excited could not wait to see the twins and find out what their names were going to be. Sidney and Carrie had no idea what sex the twins would be because they wanted that to be a surprise too.
A few hours later Carrie was taken into the delivery room and Sidney was in there too. He was suited up and stood by Carrie and held her hand. Carrie was a strong person but when she was told to push she tried and squeezed the mess out of Sidney's hand. Luckily for Carrie the twins were born fairly quickly and they became the proud parents of a bouncing baby boy and a beautiful baby girl.
"Wow Carrie, I am so proud of you and the twins are so amazing and I love you so much doll face" Sidney said as he kissed Carrie. Carrie laid back in her bed as she held her son and Sidney was holding their daughter. Craig was there taking pictures and making movies too. Carrie was exhausted but this had been the most amazing day of her life. She was now a mother of two amazing little people. Sidney felt an extreme protectiveness over the twins because he was their father. He also realized how important Carrie was to him too and what an amazingly strong person she was after giving birth to their children.
Carrie and Sidney had decided on several names for the twins depending on if they had boys or girls. Luckily they had names decided for both sexes. They named their daughter Ava Cosette Crosby and they named their son Aaron Maxime Crosby.
The twins were perfect in every way possible. Carrie was at the hospital for a couple of days and then she came home. The grandparents were all there and doting on the twins and helping out. It was kinda crazy but when everyone left for the evenings, Carrie and Sidney would sit back and usually fall asleep. The twins were very normal and woke up at ungodly hours for feedings and diaper changes but Sidney and Carrie had a system and it worked well.
One evening as Carrie and Sidney were watching the twins sleep in their cribs. Sidney came up behind Carrie and put his arms around her and kissed her temple.
"They are amazing and I swear every time I look at them I see something new. I am still a little bit in shock that I am some body's dad but its wonderful" Sidney said.
"Yeah I still can't believe I am a mom but its the greatest feeling. I love them so much its so unreal" Carrie said as she leaned against Sidney's chest.
"I am very lucky guy because I have you and the twins in my life" Sidney said. Carrie turned around in Sidney's arms and leaned up to kiss him. They were very lucky and the twins were a miracle they both were happy to have in their lives now.
awwww that was soo cute! love the names :)