Friday, August 28, 2009
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Best Friends Epilogue
Sidney and Carrie enjoyed watching their kids grow up after Sidney finally retired after many years in the NHL and several more Stanley Cups. He was now an assistant coach for the Penguins and was very happy with that. Aaron played hockey just like his dad in college and then was actually drafted into the NHL by the Montreal Canadians as a goalie. Ava played hockey too in college and went to play for the USA woman's team for the Olympics. She also worked as a photojournalist on the side for the Pittsburgh Penguins since she could not play professional hockey like Aaron. She was a center like her dad and was an amazing goal scorer. Now as for Zachery he was more like his mom and was a communications major in college and decided to be a sports commentator for NHL. He loved to talk and interview people. All the Crosby kids ended up being very successful at something they loved and that was the most important thing that Carrie and Sidney wanted for them.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Happy Birthday to Sidney
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Best Friends Chapter 51
***Hey for whoever is reading this story on here, THANKS FOR READING!!!!!!!! This is the last chapter but I am going to write a epilogue so don't fret completely. Enjoy!!!***
The playoffs started and the Penguins were going full tilt and not planning on stopping until they had that big silver chalice in their grips.
Carrie could not go and cheer for Sidney and the Penguins for the first two rounds so she stayed at home and watched the games on the television with baby Zachery. The twins would go with Sidney and Natalie would watch them during the game so they could be there and cheer on their dad.
Carrie was able to make it with baby Zachery to the Eastern Conference Finals where the Penguins were playing the Washington Capitals with the Penguins have home advantage in this round. Of course there was the media coverage of the rivalry between Sidney and Alex. Sidney of course ignored all of it and went and played his heart out because it was determined to get that cup again no matter what!
Sure enough after five games the Penguins won and it was onto the Stanley Cup Finals again. This time the Penguins were taking no prisoners. They were going to be playing the Chicago Blackhawks. It was going to be a seriously tough series because both teams were very talented and obviously no one wanted to lose. Again the Penguins had the home ice advantage because they had been the top team in the NHL that season with the Blackhawks not too far behind as third overall.
The series began and it was close with the Blackhawks winning the first game and then the Penguins won the next three. Now they were back in Pittsburgh and everyone wanted to win it on home ice. Tonight's game was going to be crazy and Carrie knew it so she, Zachery and twins had given Sidney is space so he could get focused on winning the cup tonight.
Carrie was getting Ava, Aaron and Zachery ready for the game. Sidney walked into the twins room where Carrie was with the kids.
"Hey doll face can I help with anything?" asked Sidney as he walked over to Carrie while she was getting Ava situated. Zachery was sitting in his baby carrier and Aaron was playing with a toy.
"Yeah if you don't mind. Can you get Aaron finished dressed please?" Carrie said.
"Sure no problem sweetheart. Come here Aaron" Sidney called out and Aaron walked over to his dad and Sidney helped him into his jersey and getting his shoes on.
Finally the whole crew was set and ready to head to the car. Carrie and Sidney got Aaron, Ava and Zachery into their car seats and then they climbed into the Range Rover and headed off to the arena.
They got to the arena and Sidney helped get all the kids out and Sidney carried Zachery in his carrier while the twins held each others hands and stayed near Carrie. Sidney took Carrie's hand and held it as they walked inside the building.
The Crosby crew got to the lobby of the locker room and Sidney put Zachery down and looked at Carrie.
"Good Luck Sidney and just go for it because I believe you guys are the better team. I love you. Ava, Aaron give daddy kisses and then we need to go up to the box so we can watch the game" Carrie said as Sidney squatted down and the twins gave him kisses and good luck hugs.
Then Sidney got up and pulled Carrie to him and gave her a kiss too, "I love you too doll face. See you guys later." And then Sidney headed off to the locker room to get ready for the game.
Carrie then took her crew and headed up to the box to watch the game.
The game started crazy with both teams playing hard. The first period ended with no one scoring. Then the second period started with a bang as Sidney sent a pass to Kris and then back to Sidney who scored. A little while later on Patrick Kane came back and even up the score and that was it for the second period. The third period was quiet at first and then out of no where Max came and scored for the Penguins. There was still some time left and the Blackhawks tried to score but Marc Andre was like a brick wall. With a minute left the Blackhawks pulled Nikolai Khabibulin thinking that might help them even up the game and move to overtime but it did not and the Penguins won the Stanley Cup that year!
Carrie and all the kids were down on the ice with Sidney's parents. It was crazy on the ice but Carrie held Zachery in her arms while Trina held Ava and Troy had Aaron. Taylor was near too and of course Sidney grabbed Carrie and kissed her and then took Zachery out of her arms and kissed him too. The media surrounded Sidney again but gave him some space since he was holding Zachery. Natalie got the whole Crosby family together with the Stanley Cup on the ice and took several pictures. Sidney was ecstatic and of course so was Carrie it was amazing time. Finally everyone headed into the locker room and it was raining champagne and it was crazy so Carrie and Trina kept the kids near them while Sidney and Troy faced the craziness of the center of the room. Of course Sidney did grab Carrie at one point and pulled her into his embrace and kissed her for the billionth time that night.
"Congratulations Hot Shot" Carrie said smiling at Sidney.
"Thanks Doll Face. I could not have done this without you" Sidney said smiling.
"Hey I did what any loving wife would do and cheered on her extremely talented husband."
"You are an amazing cheerleader, sweetheart. I love you."
"I love you too darling" Carrie said as she kissed Sidney again.
Sidney then knelt down as the twins went and jumped all over him. They gave Sidney hugs and kisses too. Of course the whole Crosby family was thrilled and it was the best night ever. Sidney got back up and pulled Carrie into his arms and held her close thinking he was the luckiest guy in the world.
Sidney was so happy because he had an amazing family and friends. Who could ask for anything more than of course winning the Stanley Cup again which had accomplished with Carrie's strength and love.
The playoffs started and the Penguins were going full tilt and not planning on stopping until they had that big silver chalice in their grips.
Carrie could not go and cheer for Sidney and the Penguins for the first two rounds so she stayed at home and watched the games on the television with baby Zachery. The twins would go with Sidney and Natalie would watch them during the game so they could be there and cheer on their dad.
Carrie was able to make it with baby Zachery to the Eastern Conference Finals where the Penguins were playing the Washington Capitals with the Penguins have home advantage in this round. Of course there was the media coverage of the rivalry between Sidney and Alex. Sidney of course ignored all of it and went and played his heart out because it was determined to get that cup again no matter what!
Sure enough after five games the Penguins won and it was onto the Stanley Cup Finals again. This time the Penguins were taking no prisoners. They were going to be playing the Chicago Blackhawks. It was going to be a seriously tough series because both teams were very talented and obviously no one wanted to lose. Again the Penguins had the home ice advantage because they had been the top team in the NHL that season with the Blackhawks not too far behind as third overall.
The series began and it was close with the Blackhawks winning the first game and then the Penguins won the next three. Now they were back in Pittsburgh and everyone wanted to win it on home ice. Tonight's game was going to be crazy and Carrie knew it so she, Zachery and twins had given Sidney is space so he could get focused on winning the cup tonight.
Carrie was getting Ava, Aaron and Zachery ready for the game. Sidney walked into the twins room where Carrie was with the kids.
"Hey doll face can I help with anything?" asked Sidney as he walked over to Carrie while she was getting Ava situated. Zachery was sitting in his baby carrier and Aaron was playing with a toy.
"Yeah if you don't mind. Can you get Aaron finished dressed please?" Carrie said.
"Sure no problem sweetheart. Come here Aaron" Sidney called out and Aaron walked over to his dad and Sidney helped him into his jersey and getting his shoes on.
Finally the whole crew was set and ready to head to the car. Carrie and Sidney got Aaron, Ava and Zachery into their car seats and then they climbed into the Range Rover and headed off to the arena.
They got to the arena and Sidney helped get all the kids out and Sidney carried Zachery in his carrier while the twins held each others hands and stayed near Carrie. Sidney took Carrie's hand and held it as they walked inside the building.
The Crosby crew got to the lobby of the locker room and Sidney put Zachery down and looked at Carrie.
"Good Luck Sidney and just go for it because I believe you guys are the better team. I love you. Ava, Aaron give daddy kisses and then we need to go up to the box so we can watch the game" Carrie said as Sidney squatted down and the twins gave him kisses and good luck hugs.
Then Sidney got up and pulled Carrie to him and gave her a kiss too, "I love you too doll face. See you guys later." And then Sidney headed off to the locker room to get ready for the game.
Carrie then took her crew and headed up to the box to watch the game.
The game started crazy with both teams playing hard. The first period ended with no one scoring. Then the second period started with a bang as Sidney sent a pass to Kris and then back to Sidney who scored. A little while later on Patrick Kane came back and even up the score and that was it for the second period. The third period was quiet at first and then out of no where Max came and scored for the Penguins. There was still some time left and the Blackhawks tried to score but Marc Andre was like a brick wall. With a minute left the Blackhawks pulled Nikolai Khabibulin thinking that might help them even up the game and move to overtime but it did not and the Penguins won the Stanley Cup that year!
Carrie and all the kids were down on the ice with Sidney's parents. It was crazy on the ice but Carrie held Zachery in her arms while Trina held Ava and Troy had Aaron. Taylor was near too and of course Sidney grabbed Carrie and kissed her and then took Zachery out of her arms and kissed him too. The media surrounded Sidney again but gave him some space since he was holding Zachery. Natalie got the whole Crosby family together with the Stanley Cup on the ice and took several pictures. Sidney was ecstatic and of course so was Carrie it was amazing time. Finally everyone headed into the locker room and it was raining champagne and it was crazy so Carrie and Trina kept the kids near them while Sidney and Troy faced the craziness of the center of the room. Of course Sidney did grab Carrie at one point and pulled her into his embrace and kissed her for the billionth time that night.
"Congratulations Hot Shot" Carrie said smiling at Sidney.
"Thanks Doll Face. I could not have done this without you" Sidney said smiling.
"Hey I did what any loving wife would do and cheered on her extremely talented husband."
"You are an amazing cheerleader, sweetheart. I love you."
"I love you too darling" Carrie said as she kissed Sidney again.
Sidney then knelt down as the twins went and jumped all over him. They gave Sidney hugs and kisses too. Of course the whole Crosby family was thrilled and it was the best night ever. Sidney got back up and pulled Carrie into his arms and held her close thinking he was the luckiest guy in the world.
Sidney was so happy because he had an amazing family and friends. Who could ask for anything more than of course winning the Stanley Cup again which had accomplished with Carrie's strength and love.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Best Friends Chapter 50
The season was almost over and the Penguins had made it into the playoffs yet again. They were on a roll and were determined to win that cup again.
This also meant that Carrie could give birth at any time now. She was so ready to not be pregnant anymore. The twins were excited too about the new baby. Ava and Aaron looked patting Carrie's abdomen and saying "Hi baby". It was hilarious because Sidney tried doing it a few times and Carrie looked at him and said, "Its not as cute when you say it Siddo, sorry".
"Hey I am cute though maybe if I kiss you it will be cuter then" laughed Sidney as he kissed Carrie.
"That is definitely works in your favor for being cute and sexy when saying it now" smiled Carrie.
A few days later when Sidney was at practice, Mario came walking down to the ice and looked around for Sidney. Mario found him and motioned for him to come over. Sidney skated over to Mario, "Hey Mario, what's up?"
"I just got an urgent call from Natalie saying that she took Carrie to the hospital and that you better get your ass there now. It sounds like you are going to be a dad soon, Sid" Mario said as Sidney skated off the ice and ran as best as he could in his skates to the locker room.
"Hey where is Sidney going?" asked Coach Dan as he skated over to Mario.
"Carrie is in labor" Mario said.
"Oh wow that's wonderful" Coach Dan said smiling.
Sidney had never gotten out of his uniform, showered and dressed faster in his life. Then luckily he did not have far to drive to the hospital and got there quickly and then ran until he found Natalie, who then got Sidney to the delivery room where Carrie was getting prepped for delivery.
"Hey Hot shot glad you got here. I knew that Natalie would get you here for me"
"Hey I am not missing the birth of our baby. I never moved so fast in my life to get here to be with you. I love you Carrie" Sidney said as he kissed her forehead.
"I love you too, Sidney" Carrie said and then a contraction hit her and she squeezed the crap out of Sidney's hand. But he winced for a moment and thought 'please let this baby come out soon' then he saw that Carrie let go of his hand.
"Sorry Sid, that contraction came out of no where. Is your hand OK?" Carrie asked.
"Its ok sweetheart. Do you need anything?" asked Sidney.
"Yes can you get me a cool washcloth for my face and some ice to suck on. Please" Carrie said.
"Sure no problem" Sidney said as he went and got the washcloth and ice for Carrie.
Then Sidney gave Carrie the ice and the cool washcloth. Carrie put the washcloth on her forehead and it felt good.
Finally after the doctor check on Carrie for the last time and said it looked like it was time for baby to arrive. So after about an hour and Sidney coaching Carrie to push they had beautiful baby boy. He was perfect with ten little toes and ten little fingers that Sidney counted. They cleaned him and Carrie up and then the baby was placed in Carrie's lap. Sidney sat next to them on Carrie's bed.
"Wow he is just so little. And you were so amazing Carrie" Sidney said as he kissed Carrie.
"Yeah he is so adorable and thanks Coach Sidney" Carrie said as she smiled at Sidney.
"Sorry to interrupt but does this little guy have a name?" asked the nurse.
"Yeah he does. His name is Zachery Patrick Crosby" Sidney said.
"Thanks Mr. Crosby" the nurse said and went to finish some paperwork.
Finally Sidney went and got Natalie and the twins into the room so they could meet Zachery. The twins were quite interested in the new baby and thought he was so little. Natalie was quickly on the phone with Mario telling him about Zachery. And of course Mario got the word out to all of the Penguins organization that there was a new member of the family named Zachery Patrick Crosby. Carrie and Sidney's families were informed as well.
Later that afternoon several of the players were visiting and meeting Zachery and it was crazy. Of course the media was outside and heard things and it was nuts. But Carrie and Sidney knew that it was part of their lives. Carrie could not believe all the flowers and stuffed animals in her room but it had been like that when the twins were born too.
Finally that evening everyone left and Sidney and Carrie had few minutes alone because Zachery was in the nursery so that both Carrie and Zachery could have a decent nights sleep.
"Carrie I know that you are exhausted so I am going to let you get some rest but I want you to know that I am in awe of you again after giving birth to our son. I love you so much" Sidney said.
"Thanks Sidney you are the best and I love you so much too. Right now I really do want to sleep it has been one insane day" Carrie said and then Sidney leaned in for a kiss.
"Good night Carrie and I will see you in the morning" Sidney said as he got up to leave.
"Good night Sidney" Carrie said as she yawned and got comfortable in her hospital bed.
Sidney smiled and walked out of Carrie's room and then walked by the nursery to see Zachery one more time that evening.
Sidney headed home and when he got there Natalie was just finishing getting the twins settled for the night.
"Thanks Natalie for everything. My mom was supposed to be here yesterday but her flight was canceled until tomorrow around lunch time so I think I will stop by the hospital in the morning and hang out with Carrie and Zachery and then go and get her. You can still watch the twins tomorrow right until my mom gets here?" asked Sidney.
"Yes its not a problem. I will be here in the morning, Sidney. Congratulations on becoming a father again" Natalie said giving Sidney a hug.
"Thanks Natalie" Sidney said.
Then Natalie left and Sidney went to check on the twins and then went to bed himself.
This also meant that Carrie could give birth at any time now. She was so ready to not be pregnant anymore. The twins were excited too about the new baby. Ava and Aaron looked patting Carrie's abdomen and saying "Hi baby". It was hilarious because Sidney tried doing it a few times and Carrie looked at him and said, "Its not as cute when you say it Siddo, sorry".
"Hey I am cute though maybe if I kiss you it will be cuter then" laughed Sidney as he kissed Carrie.
"That is definitely works in your favor for being cute and sexy when saying it now" smiled Carrie.
A few days later when Sidney was at practice, Mario came walking down to the ice and looked around for Sidney. Mario found him and motioned for him to come over. Sidney skated over to Mario, "Hey Mario, what's up?"
"I just got an urgent call from Natalie saying that she took Carrie to the hospital and that you better get your ass there now. It sounds like you are going to be a dad soon, Sid" Mario said as Sidney skated off the ice and ran as best as he could in his skates to the locker room.
"Hey where is Sidney going?" asked Coach Dan as he skated over to Mario.
"Carrie is in labor" Mario said.
"Oh wow that's wonderful" Coach Dan said smiling.
Sidney had never gotten out of his uniform, showered and dressed faster in his life. Then luckily he did not have far to drive to the hospital and got there quickly and then ran until he found Natalie, who then got Sidney to the delivery room where Carrie was getting prepped for delivery.
"Hey Hot shot glad you got here. I knew that Natalie would get you here for me"
"Hey I am not missing the birth of our baby. I never moved so fast in my life to get here to be with you. I love you Carrie" Sidney said as he kissed her forehead.
"I love you too, Sidney" Carrie said and then a contraction hit her and she squeezed the crap out of Sidney's hand. But he winced for a moment and thought 'please let this baby come out soon' then he saw that Carrie let go of his hand.
"Sorry Sid, that contraction came out of no where. Is your hand OK?" Carrie asked.
"Its ok sweetheart. Do you need anything?" asked Sidney.
"Yes can you get me a cool washcloth for my face and some ice to suck on. Please" Carrie said.
"Sure no problem" Sidney said as he went and got the washcloth and ice for Carrie.
Then Sidney gave Carrie the ice and the cool washcloth. Carrie put the washcloth on her forehead and it felt good.
Finally after the doctor check on Carrie for the last time and said it looked like it was time for baby to arrive. So after about an hour and Sidney coaching Carrie to push they had beautiful baby boy. He was perfect with ten little toes and ten little fingers that Sidney counted. They cleaned him and Carrie up and then the baby was placed in Carrie's lap. Sidney sat next to them on Carrie's bed.
"Wow he is just so little. And you were so amazing Carrie" Sidney said as he kissed Carrie.
"Yeah he is so adorable and thanks Coach Sidney" Carrie said as she smiled at Sidney.
"Sorry to interrupt but does this little guy have a name?" asked the nurse.
"Yeah he does. His name is Zachery Patrick Crosby" Sidney said.
"Thanks Mr. Crosby" the nurse said and went to finish some paperwork.
Finally Sidney went and got Natalie and the twins into the room so they could meet Zachery. The twins were quite interested in the new baby and thought he was so little. Natalie was quickly on the phone with Mario telling him about Zachery. And of course Mario got the word out to all of the Penguins organization that there was a new member of the family named Zachery Patrick Crosby. Carrie and Sidney's families were informed as well.
Later that afternoon several of the players were visiting and meeting Zachery and it was crazy. Of course the media was outside and heard things and it was nuts. But Carrie and Sidney knew that it was part of their lives. Carrie could not believe all the flowers and stuffed animals in her room but it had been like that when the twins were born too.
Finally that evening everyone left and Sidney and Carrie had few minutes alone because Zachery was in the nursery so that both Carrie and Zachery could have a decent nights sleep.
"Carrie I know that you are exhausted so I am going to let you get some rest but I want you to know that I am in awe of you again after giving birth to our son. I love you so much" Sidney said.
"Thanks Sidney you are the best and I love you so much too. Right now I really do want to sleep it has been one insane day" Carrie said and then Sidney leaned in for a kiss.
"Good night Carrie and I will see you in the morning" Sidney said as he got up to leave.
"Good night Sidney" Carrie said as she yawned and got comfortable in her hospital bed.
Sidney smiled and walked out of Carrie's room and then walked by the nursery to see Zachery one more time that evening.
Sidney headed home and when he got there Natalie was just finishing getting the twins settled for the night.
"Thanks Natalie for everything. My mom was supposed to be here yesterday but her flight was canceled until tomorrow around lunch time so I think I will stop by the hospital in the morning and hang out with Carrie and Zachery and then go and get her. You can still watch the twins tomorrow right until my mom gets here?" asked Sidney.
"Yes its not a problem. I will be here in the morning, Sidney. Congratulations on becoming a father again" Natalie said giving Sidney a hug.
"Thanks Natalie" Sidney said.
Then Natalie left and Sidney went to check on the twins and then went to bed himself.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Best Friends Chapter 49
Sure enough the river cruise helped the guys get back in sync. They started winning again and playing like a team wanting to win the big prize. Marc Andre had a couple of shutout games which really excited the guys.
Carrie and Sidney were getting ready for the new baby too. Carrie was due towards the end of March and the end of the regular season. Sidney knew that his life was going to get hectic but luckily his mom was coming down to Pittsburgh to help out.
Carrie and Sidney had decided to wait to find out if they were having a girl or a boy this time. They did know that it was only one baby this time which both Sidney and Carrie breathed a sigh of relief.
"Hey Carrie thank goodness your twin gene decided to chill this time" Sidney joked.
"Yeah I am glad it took a break because do you remember how sick I felt. That was horrible but this time though its weird lately when we are intimate, I get so nauseous right after wards. Maybe the baby is resentful that you get so much of my attention lately, hot shot" laughed Carrie and then saw the Sidney looked extremely hurt by that comment. Carrie went to grab his hand and he walked away.
"Sorry Sidney" Carrie called out as she heard Sidney walk out the back door. She decided to give him some time to himself and then she would go and find him and they could talk.
Carrie went and did some laundry and straightened up around the house. She checked on the twins who were napping. Carrie went out to the backyard and saw Sidney shooting pucks into the practice net they had set up. Carrie went and sat down on a chair nearby and Sidney looked up for a second and then went back to shooting the pucks.
"Hot shot I am sorry about what I said earlier. Please forgive me it was just a joke. I mean I joke about other things why did this make you so upset?" Carrie asked totally confused.
Sidney put down the hockey stick and walked over to where Carrie was sitting and sat down next to her.
"I guess why this joke hurt more was because its our baby. I don't want our children to be resentful of my time with you or them. I miss so much because of my job but I love playing hockey and being a father and husband. I have a crazy hectic life but I am trying my best to balance everything" explained Sidney.
"Hey I know you have probably the craziest life but you do an wonderful job of making everything work and I love you so much for everything. I hope you know that, Sidney. I apologized for that stupid comment I made and I know our children love you so much" Carrie said as tears filled up her eyes. Sidney stood up and pulled her to him and held her close, "I forgive you and love you too, Carrie".
That evening Sidney had another game so Carrie and the twins were all dressed up in their Crosby jerseys and cheering on Sidney. The Penguins won and so after Sidney was interviewed he came out and saw the twins chasing after Marc Andre and Kris Letang. Sidney noticed how Carrie and Vero were laughing as the twins were doing a pretty good job of getting Marc Andre and Kris. Sidney couldn't help but laugh too it was a sight to see his two year old twins were making two 20 something guys a run for their money.
"Hey ladies" Sidney said as he sat down next to Carrie on the sofa.
"Hey Sid" Carrie said as she continued to laugh at the silly sight in front of them.
"Hey Sidney" Vero said as she too watched.
"I think the twins are winning and boy do Kris and Marc Andre looked like their are about to pass out. This is hilarious" Sidney joked.
Finally Kris sat down on the floor like he passed out. Marc Andre followed Kris's lead and sat down too.
"Man you two have way too much energy" Kris said smiling as Aaron went and sat down in Kris's lap. Ava wandered over to Marc Andre and sat down in his lap.
"Yeah I don't know how you guys handle this and now with a new baby coming soon. My hats off to you guys" Marc Andre said.
"We work as a team and somehow pull it all together, right Carrie" Sidney said putting his hand on Carrie's thigh.
"Yeah we do somehow" Carrie said smiling at Sidney.
Finally everyone headed to their cars and headed home for the night.
Carrie and Sidney were getting ready for the new baby too. Carrie was due towards the end of March and the end of the regular season. Sidney knew that his life was going to get hectic but luckily his mom was coming down to Pittsburgh to help out.
Carrie and Sidney had decided to wait to find out if they were having a girl or a boy this time. They did know that it was only one baby this time which both Sidney and Carrie breathed a sigh of relief.
"Hey Carrie thank goodness your twin gene decided to chill this time" Sidney joked.
"Yeah I am glad it took a break because do you remember how sick I felt. That was horrible but this time though its weird lately when we are intimate, I get so nauseous right after wards. Maybe the baby is resentful that you get so much of my attention lately, hot shot" laughed Carrie and then saw the Sidney looked extremely hurt by that comment. Carrie went to grab his hand and he walked away.
"Sorry Sidney" Carrie called out as she heard Sidney walk out the back door. She decided to give him some time to himself and then she would go and find him and they could talk.
Carrie went and did some laundry and straightened up around the house. She checked on the twins who were napping. Carrie went out to the backyard and saw Sidney shooting pucks into the practice net they had set up. Carrie went and sat down on a chair nearby and Sidney looked up for a second and then went back to shooting the pucks.
"Hot shot I am sorry about what I said earlier. Please forgive me it was just a joke. I mean I joke about other things why did this make you so upset?" Carrie asked totally confused.
Sidney put down the hockey stick and walked over to where Carrie was sitting and sat down next to her.
"I guess why this joke hurt more was because its our baby. I don't want our children to be resentful of my time with you or them. I miss so much because of my job but I love playing hockey and being a father and husband. I have a crazy hectic life but I am trying my best to balance everything" explained Sidney.
"Hey I know you have probably the craziest life but you do an wonderful job of making everything work and I love you so much for everything. I hope you know that, Sidney. I apologized for that stupid comment I made and I know our children love you so much" Carrie said as tears filled up her eyes. Sidney stood up and pulled her to him and held her close, "I forgive you and love you too, Carrie".
That evening Sidney had another game so Carrie and the twins were all dressed up in their Crosby jerseys and cheering on Sidney. The Penguins won and so after Sidney was interviewed he came out and saw the twins chasing after Marc Andre and Kris Letang. Sidney noticed how Carrie and Vero were laughing as the twins were doing a pretty good job of getting Marc Andre and Kris. Sidney couldn't help but laugh too it was a sight to see his two year old twins were making two 20 something guys a run for their money.
"Hey ladies" Sidney said as he sat down next to Carrie on the sofa.
"Hey Sid" Carrie said as she continued to laugh at the silly sight in front of them.
"Hey Sidney" Vero said as she too watched.
"I think the twins are winning and boy do Kris and Marc Andre looked like their are about to pass out. This is hilarious" Sidney joked.
Finally Kris sat down on the floor like he passed out. Marc Andre followed Kris's lead and sat down too.
"Man you two have way too much energy" Kris said smiling as Aaron went and sat down in Kris's lap. Ava wandered over to Marc Andre and sat down in his lap.
"Yeah I don't know how you guys handle this and now with a new baby coming soon. My hats off to you guys" Marc Andre said.
"We work as a team and somehow pull it all together, right Carrie" Sidney said putting his hand on Carrie's thigh.
"Yeah we do somehow" Carrie said smiling at Sidney.
Finally everyone headed to their cars and headed home for the night.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Best Friends Chapter 48
***Sorry about this being a short chapter. Enjoy!!!***
Warning Adult Themes
The next morning Sidney woke up and watched as Carrie slept next to him. He moved slightly and Carrie felt him move and woke up too.
"Hey Sid don't move, I was comfortable and warm" Carrie complained as she moved so she would be in his arms.
"I know something that might make both of us quite warm" Sidney said seductively into Carrie's ear.
Carrie looked up at Sidney with a smile as he helped her out of her pajamas. He quickly pulled off his boxers and Carrie could feel he was very ready for fun. Sidney moved on top of Carrie and he kissed her. Carrie put her arms around his broad shoulders and held onto him tightly. Sidney then started kissing Carrie's earlobe and then her neck then moved down to her breasts some attention. Finally he kissed her abdomen and smiled as he looked up at Carrie and she smiled too. He moved back up and kissed her lips and moved her legs apart and slid into her slowly and started to move in and out of Carrie. Sidney changed his speed, sometimes slow and sometimes fast. It was driving both of them crazy but it felt wonderful. Sidney continued to make love to Carrie and finally he felt her body squeeze his and she cried out as her orgasm hit her. Sidney thrust a few more times and then felt his body shutter too and then he swore under his breath as he collapsed onto Carrie. They held each other for a little bit and then Sidney moved off of Carrie but pulled her so that she was still in his arms. Carrie leaned over to kiss Sidney and then the moment was killed because Carrie felt a major wave of nausea hit her and she jumped up and ran into the bathroom to throw up. Sidney being the wonderful gentleman he was brought Carrie her pjs so she could get dressed. Carrie put her pjs back on and clean herself up and put her hand on her abdomen and looked at Sidney.
"Obviously the baby wanted some attention" joked Sidney as he rubbed Carrie's abdomen.
"I guess so" laughed Carrie as she shook her head.
"So are you ok?" asked Sidney.
"Yeah and now the little attention getter is making me hungry. Man being pregnant does really weird things to me" Carrie said.
"OK you go and work on making some breakfast and I will go and get 'Frick and Frack' up and changed, OK" Sidney said as he pulled Carrie in for another quick kiss.
"I like that plan, Hot Shot" Carrie said as they headed out of the bedroom.
Carrie got breakfast going as Sidney took care of the twins. They all sat down at the kitchen table and had an enjoyable breakfast.
After breakfast Sidney and Carrie got the twins dressed for the day and then they each took turns getting ready themselves. Like Coach Dan had said they had a later practice today so Sidney enjoyed his morning with his family. Then he headed off while Carrie and the twins decided to take a walk and then play in the pool.
Lunchtime came around and Leslie and Vero showed up to hang out with Carrie and the twins. They ate and played and talked. Then Carrie put the twins down for a nap and while they were sleeping she and the girls hung out and talked about their guys and the rest of the season. Finally Vero and Leslie headed home and Carrie decided since the twins were still sleeping she would take a nap too. Carrie slept until she felt the bed moved and when she felt a kiss on her lips. She opened her eyes to see Sidney smiling at her.
"Hey sleepyhead how was your nap?" Sidney asked getting comfortable next to Carrie.
"Wonderful especially the part where a handsome prince kisses me to wake me up" Carrie said smiling.
"I guess then that handsome prince must kiss you again" Sidney said leaning in for another mind blowing kiss.
After the kiss, Carrie smiled at Sidney and said, "I love you Sidney."
"I love you too Carrie" Sidney said.
Warning Adult Themes
The next morning Sidney woke up and watched as Carrie slept next to him. He moved slightly and Carrie felt him move and woke up too.
"Hey Sid don't move, I was comfortable and warm" Carrie complained as she moved so she would be in his arms.
"I know something that might make both of us quite warm" Sidney said seductively into Carrie's ear.
Carrie looked up at Sidney with a smile as he helped her out of her pajamas. He quickly pulled off his boxers and Carrie could feel he was very ready for fun. Sidney moved on top of Carrie and he kissed her. Carrie put her arms around his broad shoulders and held onto him tightly. Sidney then started kissing Carrie's earlobe and then her neck then moved down to her breasts some attention. Finally he kissed her abdomen and smiled as he looked up at Carrie and she smiled too. He moved back up and kissed her lips and moved her legs apart and slid into her slowly and started to move in and out of Carrie. Sidney changed his speed, sometimes slow and sometimes fast. It was driving both of them crazy but it felt wonderful. Sidney continued to make love to Carrie and finally he felt her body squeeze his and she cried out as her orgasm hit her. Sidney thrust a few more times and then felt his body shutter too and then he swore under his breath as he collapsed onto Carrie. They held each other for a little bit and then Sidney moved off of Carrie but pulled her so that she was still in his arms. Carrie leaned over to kiss Sidney and then the moment was killed because Carrie felt a major wave of nausea hit her and she jumped up and ran into the bathroom to throw up. Sidney being the wonderful gentleman he was brought Carrie her pjs so she could get dressed. Carrie put her pjs back on and clean herself up and put her hand on her abdomen and looked at Sidney.
"Obviously the baby wanted some attention" joked Sidney as he rubbed Carrie's abdomen.
"I guess so" laughed Carrie as she shook her head.
"So are you ok?" asked Sidney.
"Yeah and now the little attention getter is making me hungry. Man being pregnant does really weird things to me" Carrie said.
"OK you go and work on making some breakfast and I will go and get 'Frick and Frack' up and changed, OK" Sidney said as he pulled Carrie in for another quick kiss.
"I like that plan, Hot Shot" Carrie said as they headed out of the bedroom.
Carrie got breakfast going as Sidney took care of the twins. They all sat down at the kitchen table and had an enjoyable breakfast.
After breakfast Sidney and Carrie got the twins dressed for the day and then they each took turns getting ready themselves. Like Coach Dan had said they had a later practice today so Sidney enjoyed his morning with his family. Then he headed off while Carrie and the twins decided to take a walk and then play in the pool.
Lunchtime came around and Leslie and Vero showed up to hang out with Carrie and the twins. They ate and played and talked. Then Carrie put the twins down for a nap and while they were sleeping she and the girls hung out and talked about their guys and the rest of the season. Finally Vero and Leslie headed home and Carrie decided since the twins were still sleeping she would take a nap too. Carrie slept until she felt the bed moved and when she felt a kiss on her lips. She opened her eyes to see Sidney smiling at her.
"Hey sleepyhead how was your nap?" Sidney asked getting comfortable next to Carrie.
"Wonderful especially the part where a handsome prince kisses me to wake me up" Carrie said smiling.
"I guess then that handsome prince must kiss you again" Sidney said leaning in for another mind blowing kiss.
After the kiss, Carrie smiled at Sidney and said, "I love you Sidney."
"I love you too Carrie" Sidney said.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Friday, July 31, 2009
Best Friends Chapter 47
The boat was decorated so beautifully with lights and balloons. The tables for dinner were gorgeous with candle and flower center pieces that had a black and white colored theme for the Penguins. Everyone was quite impressed with what Mario and Dan had coordinated for this amazing evening.
All the couples looked dazzling with the ladies in magnificent dresses and the men in their tuxes.
Before dinner started Carrie, Vero, and Leslie were taking pictures of each other and their dates. It was fun and the guys were being good sports too. Max even joined in the picture taking by making silly faces.
Finally everyone was told to go and find their seats for dinner. Sidney took Carrie's hand and lead her away from the crowd to go to the front of the boat.
"Hey where are we going? Everyone is going the other way dude" Carrie questioned.
"I just wanted a moment alone with you, doll face" Sidney said as they walked to the railing, "Look at that view." Sidney said pointing towards the outline of Pittsburgh.
"Wow that is really pretty and an amazing view" Carrie said looking out at the skyline at night.
"Actually the view I have is even better" Sidney said as he was looking at Carrie.
She turned and looked at him and shook her head, "Can you be anymore cheesy Hot Shot?" Carrie joked.
"Yeah I can't help myself. Its just who I am and that is a man who is very much in love with his beautiful wife" Sidney said as he looked into Carrie's eyes and then leaned down for a kiss.
All of a sudden there was a flash and Carrie and Sidney broke apart to see where the flash had come from. Leslie had seen the two of them and decided to take a picture.
"How cute" Leslie said as she looked at her camera of the picture she had just taken, "You two look so perfect together."
Carrie walked over to where Leslie was standing and looked at the picture, "I agree that is a cute picture and you better send it to me."
"I will. I promise" Leslie said as she showed the picture to Sidney. Sidney smiled and put his arm around Carrie's waist and said, "Let's go and find our seats."
"Yes let's do because the baby is very hungry" Carrie said patting her abdomen.
Sidney, Carrie and Leslie headed to the tables and found their seats and sat down for an amazing dinner.
The first course was a Cesar salad and then the main course was a pasta and chicken dish that everyone enjoyed. Dessert was strawberries dipped in chocolate with vanilla ice cream too.
Finally it was time for the dancing and everyone was excited about that. Everyone went to the top part of the boat where a dance floor was set up and a DJ was starting the music.
Marc Andre pulled Vero out onto the floor and of course Max was all over the place. Carrie was enjoying watching everyone and tried to get Sidney to go out but she gave up. Kris Letang noticed this and his girlfriend really was not in the mood for the craziness so he walked over to Carrie and she took his hand and they had fun. Meanwhile Sidney went over to the DJ and talked with him for a few minutes and then went back to watch Carrie and Kris have fun dancing.
After a couple more fast songs a slow song came on that Carrie knew very well and looked over at Sidney. He walked over to her and she gave him that "I can't believe you look". Sidney pulled her to him and they slowed danced as their song was played, which was "Runaway" by the Corrs. Carrie and Sidney had decided at their wedding that was the song they wanted their first dance as husband and wife song to be.
The song ended and Carrie gave Sidney a kiss and then they walked off the dance floor.
The music started up again with a mix of fast and some slow and more crazy dancing and people having lots of fun. Carrie convinced Sidney to get out and dance to some of the fast too. Everyone was having so much fun and it definitely lifted the guys spirits which was the made idea for the cruise.
The boat made it back to the dock and everyone thanked Mario and Dan for the great evening. As everyone headed to their cars people were joking and laughing about what a great time it had been. Overall it had been a great successful Penguins party and luckily too there was at least one sober person per couple so that no one would get into trouble driving home.
As Carrie and Sidney got to the Range Rover, Sidney handed Carrie the keys and let her drive home because obviously she could not drink since she was very pregnant.
"That was really fun" Carrie said as she drove them home.
"Yeah I had a great time and am glad you did too doll face" Sidney said smiling at her.
When they got home, Mrs. Andrews told them the twins had been perfect little angels for her. Carrie was happy to hear that.
"Thanks again for watching them" Carrie said.
"It was my pleasure and I hope you had a good time tonight" Mrs. Andrews said as she headed out.
"Yes we had a great time" Sidney said as he watch her head to her car and then drive off.
Sidney locked up and followed Carrie to the bedroom and they got ready for bed. Both of them were exhausted and they snuggled together and went to sleep in each others arms.
****Here is a link to the song "Runaway" by the Corrs. It is one of my favorite songs and its so romantic**** Enjoy!!!!!
All the couples looked dazzling with the ladies in magnificent dresses and the men in their tuxes.
Before dinner started Carrie, Vero, and Leslie were taking pictures of each other and their dates. It was fun and the guys were being good sports too. Max even joined in the picture taking by making silly faces.
Finally everyone was told to go and find their seats for dinner. Sidney took Carrie's hand and lead her away from the crowd to go to the front of the boat.
"Hey where are we going? Everyone is going the other way dude" Carrie questioned.
"I just wanted a moment alone with you, doll face" Sidney said as they walked to the railing, "Look at that view." Sidney said pointing towards the outline of Pittsburgh.
"Wow that is really pretty and an amazing view" Carrie said looking out at the skyline at night.
"Actually the view I have is even better" Sidney said as he was looking at Carrie.
She turned and looked at him and shook her head, "Can you be anymore cheesy Hot Shot?" Carrie joked.
"Yeah I can't help myself. Its just who I am and that is a man who is very much in love with his beautiful wife" Sidney said as he looked into Carrie's eyes and then leaned down for a kiss.
All of a sudden there was a flash and Carrie and Sidney broke apart to see where the flash had come from. Leslie had seen the two of them and decided to take a picture.
"How cute" Leslie said as she looked at her camera of the picture she had just taken, "You two look so perfect together."
Carrie walked over to where Leslie was standing and looked at the picture, "I agree that is a cute picture and you better send it to me."
"I will. I promise" Leslie said as she showed the picture to Sidney. Sidney smiled and put his arm around Carrie's waist and said, "Let's go and find our seats."
"Yes let's do because the baby is very hungry" Carrie said patting her abdomen.
Sidney, Carrie and Leslie headed to the tables and found their seats and sat down for an amazing dinner.
The first course was a Cesar salad and then the main course was a pasta and chicken dish that everyone enjoyed. Dessert was strawberries dipped in chocolate with vanilla ice cream too.
Finally it was time for the dancing and everyone was excited about that. Everyone went to the top part of the boat where a dance floor was set up and a DJ was starting the music.
Marc Andre pulled Vero out onto the floor and of course Max was all over the place. Carrie was enjoying watching everyone and tried to get Sidney to go out but she gave up. Kris Letang noticed this and his girlfriend really was not in the mood for the craziness so he walked over to Carrie and she took his hand and they had fun. Meanwhile Sidney went over to the DJ and talked with him for a few minutes and then went back to watch Carrie and Kris have fun dancing.
After a couple more fast songs a slow song came on that Carrie knew very well and looked over at Sidney. He walked over to her and she gave him that "I can't believe you look". Sidney pulled her to him and they slowed danced as their song was played, which was "Runaway" by the Corrs. Carrie and Sidney had decided at their wedding that was the song they wanted their first dance as husband and wife song to be.
The song ended and Carrie gave Sidney a kiss and then they walked off the dance floor.
The music started up again with a mix of fast and some slow and more crazy dancing and people having lots of fun. Carrie convinced Sidney to get out and dance to some of the fast too. Everyone was having so much fun and it definitely lifted the guys spirits which was the made idea for the cruise.
The boat made it back to the dock and everyone thanked Mario and Dan for the great evening. As everyone headed to their cars people were joking and laughing about what a great time it had been. Overall it had been a great successful Penguins party and luckily too there was at least one sober person per couple so that no one would get into trouble driving home.
As Carrie and Sidney got to the Range Rover, Sidney handed Carrie the keys and let her drive home because obviously she could not drink since she was very pregnant.
"That was really fun" Carrie said as she drove them home.
"Yeah I had a great time and am glad you did too doll face" Sidney said smiling at her.
When they got home, Mrs. Andrews told them the twins had been perfect little angels for her. Carrie was happy to hear that.
"Thanks again for watching them" Carrie said.
"It was my pleasure and I hope you had a good time tonight" Mrs. Andrews said as she headed out.
"Yes we had a great time" Sidney said as he watch her head to her car and then drive off.
Sidney locked up and followed Carrie to the bedroom and they got ready for bed. Both of them were exhausted and they snuggled together and went to sleep in each others arms.
****Here is a link to the song "Runaway" by the Corrs. It is one of my favorite songs and its so romantic**** Enjoy!!!!!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Best Friends Chapter 46
Friday finally showed up and Carrie and Vero had spent the day at a day spa getting all beautiful for their guys. The girls were having so much and were looking forward to the cruise.
"This cruise is going to be fun" Vero said as they were leaving the spa and heading towards her car.
"Oh yeah I can't wait. And Sidney promised me he would dance with me and so he better" laughed Carrie.
"Yeah I know that Marc Andre will be all into the dancing and he better not embarrass me" Vero laughed.
Carrie laughed as they got into Vero's car and then headed to Carrie's house. Vero dropped Carrie off and then she headed to her place. They had a couple of hours before the cruise started.
When Carrie got into the house she heard laughing as she got closer to the den. She stood at the door and watched as the twins and Craig and his girlfriend, Leslie, have fun playing.
"Hey guys looks like there is a party going on here and can I be invited?" asked Carrie jokingly as she walked to where they were all on the floor.
"Hey Carebear, come on in and join the fun" Craig said making silly noises for the twins, who were giggling up a storm.
"Hey Carrie, how are you feeling?" asked Leslie as Carrie went and sat down next to her.
"I am feeling good" Carrie said as she patted her now slightly showing pregnant belly.
"That's good to hear" Leslie said.
"Did you and Vero have fun at the spa?" asked Craig as he pushed a toy truck towards Aaron.
"Yeah we had a lot of fun and boy did if feel good to relax and get all pampered for tonight. Hey Leslie next time you need to join us" Carrie said as Ava got up and walked over to Carrie and then sat in Carrie's lap.
"Thanks Carrie, I think that would be fun" Leslie said as she smiled at Carrie.
"So who is watching these crazy kiddos while we are all at the dinner cruise?" asked Craig.
"Natalie gave me a name of a really good friend of hers so I called her. She seems really nice and has raised 3 children of her own. I have a good feeling after we talked so I am looking forward to meeting her and Sidney said that he actually had heard of her and her husband through Mario" Carrie explained.
"That's lucky for you, Carrie and I know how much you and Sidney depend on the Natalie and Mario. They have been so good you guys" Craig said as he got up. The twins looked as Craig and Leslie started to get ready to leave.
"No you stay" Aaron said as he got and ran over to Craig and grabbed Craig's leg.
"Hey kiddo, Uncle Craig and Aunt Leslie have to go but I promise we will come back and play more" Craig tried to explained to Aaron.
Aaron looked at him and then let go and looked at Carrie and walked over to her where she and Ava were still sitting on the floor. Aaron sat down next to Carrie and laid his head on Carrie's leg.
"How cute" Leslie said smiling.
"Those two love their mommy a lot" Sidney said as he walked in an surprised everyone.
"Hey Sid what's up" Craig said as he walked over to give Sidney the guy hug.
"Hey Sidney" Leslie said as she walked over to give Sidney a hug too.
"Its good seeing you guys and thanks for watching the twins so that Carrie and I could get ready for the cruise" Sidney said as Aaron got up and walked over to his dad, who picked him up.
"Hey no problem. I love my niece and nephew and would do this anytime for you guys" Craig said as he put his arm around Leslie.
Carrie helped Ava get up and then Carrie got up and they walked over to Sidney.
"Well speaking of that cruise, I kinda need to get all beautiful for it so I think we need to get a move on" Leslie said, "And we will see you two soon."
"Sounds good see ya shortly" Sidney said as he put down Aaron and walked Craig and Leslie to the door and then they left.
An half hour before Sidney and Carrie were to leave, Mrs. Andrews showed up. Carrie and Mrs. Andrews talked about the twins and other things. The twins liked Mrs. Andrews and so that made Carrie feel way better when she and Sidney left for the cruise.
As Carrie and Sidney were driving to the wharf where the boat was they talked about how tonight was going to be lots of fun.
"Carrie did I tell you that you looked absolutely beautiful tonight?" Sidney asked while they were driving.
"Yes you did but I love hearing that from you. And you looking pretty handsome yourself, hotstuff" Carrie said putting her hand on his thigh.
"Why thank you" Sidney said as he put his hand over hers on his leg and then brought it up to his lips and kissed her palm.
They finally got to the wharf and saw that everyone was heading towards a amazingly large boat. Carrie and Sidney headed where everyone was heading and boarded the boat and Carrie looked around and smiled tonight was going to be magical.
"This cruise is going to be fun" Vero said as they were leaving the spa and heading towards her car.
"Oh yeah I can't wait. And Sidney promised me he would dance with me and so he better" laughed Carrie.
"Yeah I know that Marc Andre will be all into the dancing and he better not embarrass me" Vero laughed.
Carrie laughed as they got into Vero's car and then headed to Carrie's house. Vero dropped Carrie off and then she headed to her place. They had a couple of hours before the cruise started.
When Carrie got into the house she heard laughing as she got closer to the den. She stood at the door and watched as the twins and Craig and his girlfriend, Leslie, have fun playing.
"Hey guys looks like there is a party going on here and can I be invited?" asked Carrie jokingly as she walked to where they were all on the floor.
"Hey Carebear, come on in and join the fun" Craig said making silly noises for the twins, who were giggling up a storm.
"Hey Carrie, how are you feeling?" asked Leslie as Carrie went and sat down next to her.
"I am feeling good" Carrie said as she patted her now slightly showing pregnant belly.
"That's good to hear" Leslie said.
"Did you and Vero have fun at the spa?" asked Craig as he pushed a toy truck towards Aaron.
"Yeah we had a lot of fun and boy did if feel good to relax and get all pampered for tonight. Hey Leslie next time you need to join us" Carrie said as Ava got up and walked over to Carrie and then sat in Carrie's lap.
"Thanks Carrie, I think that would be fun" Leslie said as she smiled at Carrie.
"So who is watching these crazy kiddos while we are all at the dinner cruise?" asked Craig.
"Natalie gave me a name of a really good friend of hers so I called her. She seems really nice and has raised 3 children of her own. I have a good feeling after we talked so I am looking forward to meeting her and Sidney said that he actually had heard of her and her husband through Mario" Carrie explained.
"That's lucky for you, Carrie and I know how much you and Sidney depend on the Natalie and Mario. They have been so good you guys" Craig said as he got up. The twins looked as Craig and Leslie started to get ready to leave.
"No you stay" Aaron said as he got and ran over to Craig and grabbed Craig's leg.
"Hey kiddo, Uncle Craig and Aunt Leslie have to go but I promise we will come back and play more" Craig tried to explained to Aaron.
Aaron looked at him and then let go and looked at Carrie and walked over to her where she and Ava were still sitting on the floor. Aaron sat down next to Carrie and laid his head on Carrie's leg.
"How cute" Leslie said smiling.
"Those two love their mommy a lot" Sidney said as he walked in an surprised everyone.
"Hey Sid what's up" Craig said as he walked over to give Sidney the guy hug.
"Hey Sidney" Leslie said as she walked over to give Sidney a hug too.
"Its good seeing you guys and thanks for watching the twins so that Carrie and I could get ready for the cruise" Sidney said as Aaron got up and walked over to his dad, who picked him up.
"Hey no problem. I love my niece and nephew and would do this anytime for you guys" Craig said as he put his arm around Leslie.
Carrie helped Ava get up and then Carrie got up and they walked over to Sidney.
"Well speaking of that cruise, I kinda need to get all beautiful for it so I think we need to get a move on" Leslie said, "And we will see you two soon."
"Sounds good see ya shortly" Sidney said as he put down Aaron and walked Craig and Leslie to the door and then they left.
An half hour before Sidney and Carrie were to leave, Mrs. Andrews showed up. Carrie and Mrs. Andrews talked about the twins and other things. The twins liked Mrs. Andrews and so that made Carrie feel way better when she and Sidney left for the cruise.
As Carrie and Sidney were driving to the wharf where the boat was they talked about how tonight was going to be lots of fun.
"Carrie did I tell you that you looked absolutely beautiful tonight?" Sidney asked while they were driving.
"Yes you did but I love hearing that from you. And you looking pretty handsome yourself, hotstuff" Carrie said putting her hand on his thigh.
"Why thank you" Sidney said as he put his hand over hers on his leg and then brought it up to his lips and kissed her palm.
They finally got to the wharf and saw that everyone was heading towards a amazingly large boat. Carrie and Sidney headed where everyone was heading and boarded the boat and Carrie looked around and smiled tonight was going to be magical.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Best Friends Chapter 45
The season has been going well but now the guys were in a slump. No one was really sure what the deal was as to why they had started off so awesome and then poof it was going no where and fast. Coach Dan Bylsma was in discussions with Mario Lemieux as to what they could do outside of the arena to give the guys some sort of boost.
"We really need something relaxing and yet fun for the guys" suggested Dan.
"I agree nothing to outrageous" Mario said thinking of what they could do for the guys.
The two of them started throwing ideas around. Finally after several disagreements Mario came up with an idea that they both thought would work.
"A boat cruise down the Monongahela River is an excellent idea, Mario" Dan said excitedly.
"I think it would be nice for the guys to spend time with their significant other while we had a dinner and dancing cruise. Its relaxing and fun for everyone" Mario declared, "Now you can tell the players while I take care of telling all the office people. And I will take care of all the details. I think Friday will work and they can sleep in on Saturday so you can schedule a later practice then" Mario said.
"I will let them know when I go down there in a few minutes. This is going to be lots of fun" Dan said happily as he headed down to the ice where the guys were practicing with their assistant coach.
"Hey guys can you gather around here for a moment I need to talk to all of you" Coach Bylsma called out.
All the guys skated over to their head coach to see what he wanted to tell them.
"OK guys here is the deal. We have been kinda in a slump and so I went to talk with Mario about what we could do about this situation. We came up with the idea that we will be going on a river cruise down the Monongahela. It will be a couples dinner and dancing cruise. So you can bring your girlfriend, wives, significant others and it will be next Friday. And you will have a late practice on Saturday because I know some of you might be enjoying the bar on board too. Let's make it a fun and respectable gathering of the Penguins organization. OK people" Coach Bylsma explained.
Everyone was in agreement that it sounded like something they all would enjoy.
"Oh boy everyone will be looking sharp on Friday" laughed Max.
"You better have on a tux Max or else you will be left behind" joked Sidney.
"Hey I will be the pimp daddy in my outfit. I think all the ladies will be rethinking who their dates are when they see me" Max countered back.
"I don't think so Max because my beautiful wife only has eyes for me plus she is pregnant with my child" Sidney said confidently.
"I don't know about that Sid. Pregnant ladies are a really sexy and she might change her mind especially since I am so cute with my French accent" Max replied.
"Give me a break" Sidney said.
"Yeah Max. Carrie has said that she actually loves my French accent over yours" Marc Andre emphasized.
"Oh no you did not go there, Flower" Max said giving Marc Andre a challenging look.
"Oh bring it on Mad Max" Marc Andre said skating over to get into Max's face.
"Oh man will you two give it a rest" Sidney said as he moved between the two jokers.
"Fine I will because I am the bigger person" Marc Andre declared.
"Whatever" Max said skating away.
Practice was over for the day and everyone headed into the locker rooms to shower and head home.
Meanwhile Carrie and Vero were out shopping for the new baby and for themselves. They had started with lunch and then hit the mall. It was nice that Natalie had become the help that Carrie needed with the twins. The girls had a fun time shopping and then they headed home.
Carrie headed over to the Lemieux's house to get the twins. They were happy to see their mom and Natalie was sad that they were leaving but she would see them again before too long.
Carrie and the twins got home and went inside and saw that Sidney was getting the table set for dinner.
The twins toddled over to Sidney and he knelt down and gave them each kisses and hugs.
"Do I get a kiss and a hug too?" Carrie joked looking at Sidney.
"I save the best ones for you doll face" Sidney said walking over to her and pulling her into his arms and kissing her deeply.
"Wow is all I will say to that, Siddo" Carrie smiled, "What's up with you getting the table all ready? I am not complaining but are you trying to butter me up for something?"
"No just thought since I got home first I would help out."
"Thank you Mr. Crosby."
"You are quite welcome Mrs. Crosby."
The four of them had a nice family dinner. The twins were so cute having fun eating and making complete messes of themselves. Carrie and Sidney had a good laugh and helped the twins eat.
After dinner Sidney cleaned up while Carrie got the twins ready for bed.
Sidney came in while Carrie was reading a story to the twins. He went over and sat down next to Carrie on the floor. Ava moved from where she was sitting to sit in Sidney's lap and then Aaron moved into Carrie's lap. Carrie was reading "Goodnight Moon". It was the favorite of the twins. Carrie finished and with Sidney's help got the twins all tucked in bed. The twins got their goodnight kisses from Carrie and Sidney and then the lights were turned off and the door was closed slightly.
Carrie and Sidney were getting ready for bed too because they both had busy day.
"Hey sweetheart hurry your cute little butt in here" Sidney called from the bed.
"Excuse me who do you think you are anyway buster" Carrie said looking at Sidney like he had lost his mind while she took her time walking over to the bed.
"Your husband who wants to cuddle and talk with you" Sidney said sweetly.
Carrie got into the bed and sat down, "So what do you want to talk about?"
"Come and get comfortable and then I will tell you."
"I am fine right where I am."
"No you are not" Sidney said jokingly and pulled her so that she was laying facing him, "Now that is much better." Sidney leaned down and kissed her.
"Now that you got what you wanted as you seem to always get what did you want to talk to me about?" Carrie asked getting more comfortable in Sidney's arms.
"I want to ask my beautiful wife if she would like to go a date with me next Friday evening?"
"Hmmmm I don't know. You remember that cute guy from our honeymoon that I saw in the lobby. He kinda asked me out for Friday already" joked Carrie with a smirk.
"Oh really is that right well you will have to cancel on him because we are going on a river cruise with everyone from the Penguins organization. Coach hopes it will help us since we have been have not been playing great lately. I think it will be fun. There is going to be dinner and dancing. So have I convinced you to cancel with that loser and hang out with you wonderful and perfect husband" Sidney explained with his own smirk.
"Wow I think I will change my plans and got out with my hot and sexy husband especially if he promises to dance with me under the stars" Carrie said as she leaned in for a kiss.
"Oh I will dance with you anywhere and everywhere, Carrie. I love you."
"I love you too, Sidney."
Sidney leaned in for another kiss and then they went to sleep in each other's arms.
"We really need something relaxing and yet fun for the guys" suggested Dan.
"I agree nothing to outrageous" Mario said thinking of what they could do for the guys.
The two of them started throwing ideas around. Finally after several disagreements Mario came up with an idea that they both thought would work.
"A boat cruise down the Monongahela River is an excellent idea, Mario" Dan said excitedly.
"I think it would be nice for the guys to spend time with their significant other while we had a dinner and dancing cruise. Its relaxing and fun for everyone" Mario declared, "Now you can tell the players while I take care of telling all the office people. And I will take care of all the details. I think Friday will work and they can sleep in on Saturday so you can schedule a later practice then" Mario said.
"I will let them know when I go down there in a few minutes. This is going to be lots of fun" Dan said happily as he headed down to the ice where the guys were practicing with their assistant coach.
"Hey guys can you gather around here for a moment I need to talk to all of you" Coach Bylsma called out.
All the guys skated over to their head coach to see what he wanted to tell them.
"OK guys here is the deal. We have been kinda in a slump and so I went to talk with Mario about what we could do about this situation. We came up with the idea that we will be going on a river cruise down the Monongahela. It will be a couples dinner and dancing cruise. So you can bring your girlfriend, wives, significant others and it will be next Friday. And you will have a late practice on Saturday because I know some of you might be enjoying the bar on board too. Let's make it a fun and respectable gathering of the Penguins organization. OK people" Coach Bylsma explained.
Everyone was in agreement that it sounded like something they all would enjoy.
"Oh boy everyone will be looking sharp on Friday" laughed Max.
"You better have on a tux Max or else you will be left behind" joked Sidney.
"Hey I will be the pimp daddy in my outfit. I think all the ladies will be rethinking who their dates are when they see me" Max countered back.
"I don't think so Max because my beautiful wife only has eyes for me plus she is pregnant with my child" Sidney said confidently.
"I don't know about that Sid. Pregnant ladies are a really sexy and she might change her mind especially since I am so cute with my French accent" Max replied.
"Give me a break" Sidney said.
"Yeah Max. Carrie has said that she actually loves my French accent over yours" Marc Andre emphasized.
"Oh no you did not go there, Flower" Max said giving Marc Andre a challenging look.
"Oh bring it on Mad Max" Marc Andre said skating over to get into Max's face.
"Oh man will you two give it a rest" Sidney said as he moved between the two jokers.
"Fine I will because I am the bigger person" Marc Andre declared.
"Whatever" Max said skating away.
Practice was over for the day and everyone headed into the locker rooms to shower and head home.
Meanwhile Carrie and Vero were out shopping for the new baby and for themselves. They had started with lunch and then hit the mall. It was nice that Natalie had become the help that Carrie needed with the twins. The girls had a fun time shopping and then they headed home.
Carrie headed over to the Lemieux's house to get the twins. They were happy to see their mom and Natalie was sad that they were leaving but she would see them again before too long.
Carrie and the twins got home and went inside and saw that Sidney was getting the table set for dinner.
The twins toddled over to Sidney and he knelt down and gave them each kisses and hugs.
"Do I get a kiss and a hug too?" Carrie joked looking at Sidney.
"I save the best ones for you doll face" Sidney said walking over to her and pulling her into his arms and kissing her deeply.
"Wow is all I will say to that, Siddo" Carrie smiled, "What's up with you getting the table all ready? I am not complaining but are you trying to butter me up for something?"
"No just thought since I got home first I would help out."
"Thank you Mr. Crosby."
"You are quite welcome Mrs. Crosby."
The four of them had a nice family dinner. The twins were so cute having fun eating and making complete messes of themselves. Carrie and Sidney had a good laugh and helped the twins eat.
After dinner Sidney cleaned up while Carrie got the twins ready for bed.
Sidney came in while Carrie was reading a story to the twins. He went over and sat down next to Carrie on the floor. Ava moved from where she was sitting to sit in Sidney's lap and then Aaron moved into Carrie's lap. Carrie was reading "Goodnight Moon". It was the favorite of the twins. Carrie finished and with Sidney's help got the twins all tucked in bed. The twins got their goodnight kisses from Carrie and Sidney and then the lights were turned off and the door was closed slightly.
Carrie and Sidney were getting ready for bed too because they both had busy day.
"Hey sweetheart hurry your cute little butt in here" Sidney called from the bed.
"Excuse me who do you think you are anyway buster" Carrie said looking at Sidney like he had lost his mind while she took her time walking over to the bed.
"Your husband who wants to cuddle and talk with you" Sidney said sweetly.
Carrie got into the bed and sat down, "So what do you want to talk about?"
"Come and get comfortable and then I will tell you."
"I am fine right where I am."
"No you are not" Sidney said jokingly and pulled her so that she was laying facing him, "Now that is much better." Sidney leaned down and kissed her.
"Now that you got what you wanted as you seem to always get what did you want to talk to me about?" Carrie asked getting more comfortable in Sidney's arms.
"I want to ask my beautiful wife if she would like to go a date with me next Friday evening?"
"Hmmmm I don't know. You remember that cute guy from our honeymoon that I saw in the lobby. He kinda asked me out for Friday already" joked Carrie with a smirk.
"Oh really is that right well you will have to cancel on him because we are going on a river cruise with everyone from the Penguins organization. Coach hopes it will help us since we have been have not been playing great lately. I think it will be fun. There is going to be dinner and dancing. So have I convinced you to cancel with that loser and hang out with you wonderful and perfect husband" Sidney explained with his own smirk.
"Wow I think I will change my plans and got out with my hot and sexy husband especially if he promises to dance with me under the stars" Carrie said as she leaned in for a kiss.
"Oh I will dance with you anywhere and everywhere, Carrie. I love you."
"I love you too, Sidney."
Sidney leaned in for another kiss and then they went to sleep in each other's arms.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Best Friends Chapter 44
The next season was going well for Sidney and the Penguins. They were on a winning streak and that was good for everyone. Sidney was at the top of his game which was awesome for the team and his family. Sidney was doing everything he could as a good husband to keep Carrie's life stress free. The doctor had said that because of Carrie's earlier miscarriage she needed to be a little more cautious but their could still be intimate and not worry about the baby. Sidney was a very happy camper about that little bit of information when he heard that. Carrie just shook her head and wanted to sock him in the head but she refrained.
The Aaron finally caught up with Ava and started walking. They were terrors because they thought it was funny to wander off and make either Sidney or Carrie go and find and them. The favorite game of the twins was to play hide and seek. They were also talking and so it was usually easy to find them because they would start chatting and so Carrie had no problems finding them. They were everywhere and since Carrie was pregnant, Sidney and Carrie decided that they needed to hire a nanny. Carrie talked with Natalie about how to find a good nanny for the twins. Carrie met with Natalie at the Lemieux's house with the twins. Natalie's kids were excited to see Ava and Aaron and they were playing while Carrie and Natalie talked.
"Natalie I hope you know someone good because I don't want just anyone watching Ava and Aaron. I just need someone to play with them and help me out" explained Carrie.
"Oh I think I know someone" Natalie said smiling.
"Who?" asked Carrie.
"Me because my kids are all grown up and can take care of themselves. I don't live that far away and I love Ava and Aaron. I would love to help you out especially since Sidney is kinda like one of my children in a way so what do you think?"
"Sure if you don't think your family will care. I would love that and I know that Ava and Aaron trust you and love being here with your kids so sure you got the job" Carrie said as she gave Natalie a hug.
So it was settled that Natalie would help Carrie out with the twins. Carrie could not wait to tell Sidney what had been decided about the nanny situation.
Carrie was headed back with the twins from the Lemieux's house when she heard a car honking. She turned to see Sidney driving by them. She waved and he pulled over and rolled down the car window.
"Hey guys where have you all been?" asked Sidney.
"We were over visiting with Natalie and the kids. You know I wanted to talk to her about us getting a nanny" Carrie said as the twins were looking down at the sidewalk checking out a ladybug that was crawling around.
"Yeah, did you get any ideas?" asked Sidney.
"Yeah and I will tell you about it when we get back to the house."
"OK do you guys want a ride?"
"No we will finish our walk. I need some fresh air anyway."
"Are you feeling ok Carrie?" Sidney asked after she made that comment.
"I am fine, Sid. Don't worry and believe me the fresh air and the walk are helping" Carrie assured.
"OK Carrie, I just want to make sure" Sidney said concernedly. Sidney was always thinking in the back of his mind about the miscarriage and he had told Carrie this and she felt the same way.
Sidney pulled back into the street and drove off leaving Carrie and the twins to finish their walk. It was actually a nice day and when Carrie and the twins got back home they all decided to hang out in the backyard and enjoy the rest of the day. Carrie told Sidney about Natalie helping her out and he thought that was an awesome idea.
Later on that evening when the twins were in bed, Sidney and Carrie were hanging out watching a movie but it was not keeping Carrie attention and so she finally got up.
"Hey doll face where are you going?" asked Sidney looking at her.
"This movie is boring and I can't get comfortable. I think its the baby just making everything weird for me but not in a bad way so just chill. I think I am going to go and soak in the bathtub" Carrie explained.
"Can I join you?" asked Sidney with a grin.
"No funny business dude. I am not in the mood. Got it buster!"
"Fine no funny business. I swear on my hockey career!"
Sidney started the bath and found the bubble bath and there were lots of bubbles. He dimmed the lights and got everything just perfect for the two of them to relax.
"Hey doll face your bath awaits you" Sidney called out as he got undressed and slid into the tub to wait for Carrie. Carrie walked in and looked at Sidney and all the bubbles.
"Good gracious Sidney did you used the entire bottle of bubble bath?" asked Carrie as she undressed and then slid into the tub and then moved to be in Sidney's lap.
"Maybe I did. I was not sure how much to use" joked Sidney as he massaged her shoulders.
"Man this is going to take a million years to get rid of all these bubbles" Carrie laughed, "Sidney that does feel good. Don't forget my neck that really needs your magic touch now."
"Not a problem sweetheart" Sidney said as he moved his hands to her neck. Sidney sneakily let his hands roam all over her body and Carrie pushed his hands away.
"What do you think you are trying to do here buster? You promised me on your hockey career that you would be good and now you are being a very bad boy" Carrie said sternly as she turned to look at Sidney.
He was looking innocently at her and said, "What do you mean by me being bad?"
"You know exactly what you are doing and don't give me that innocent look. You are so not going to be able to have anymore kids and maybe no more hockey career if you keep this up dude."
Sidney didn't listen to Carrie and pulled her to him and kissed her and then they got out of the tub and dried off. Finally they got ready for bed.
"Good night Sidney"
"Good Night Carrie"
And they snuggled together and went to sleep.
The Aaron finally caught up with Ava and started walking. They were terrors because they thought it was funny to wander off and make either Sidney or Carrie go and find and them. The favorite game of the twins was to play hide and seek. They were also talking and so it was usually easy to find them because they would start chatting and so Carrie had no problems finding them. They were everywhere and since Carrie was pregnant, Sidney and Carrie decided that they needed to hire a nanny. Carrie talked with Natalie about how to find a good nanny for the twins. Carrie met with Natalie at the Lemieux's house with the twins. Natalie's kids were excited to see Ava and Aaron and they were playing while Carrie and Natalie talked.
"Natalie I hope you know someone good because I don't want just anyone watching Ava and Aaron. I just need someone to play with them and help me out" explained Carrie.
"Oh I think I know someone" Natalie said smiling.
"Who?" asked Carrie.
"Me because my kids are all grown up and can take care of themselves. I don't live that far away and I love Ava and Aaron. I would love to help you out especially since Sidney is kinda like one of my children in a way so what do you think?"
"Sure if you don't think your family will care. I would love that and I know that Ava and Aaron trust you and love being here with your kids so sure you got the job" Carrie said as she gave Natalie a hug.
So it was settled that Natalie would help Carrie out with the twins. Carrie could not wait to tell Sidney what had been decided about the nanny situation.
Carrie was headed back with the twins from the Lemieux's house when she heard a car honking. She turned to see Sidney driving by them. She waved and he pulled over and rolled down the car window.
"Hey guys where have you all been?" asked Sidney.
"We were over visiting with Natalie and the kids. You know I wanted to talk to her about us getting a nanny" Carrie said as the twins were looking down at the sidewalk checking out a ladybug that was crawling around.
"Yeah, did you get any ideas?" asked Sidney.
"Yeah and I will tell you about it when we get back to the house."
"OK do you guys want a ride?"
"No we will finish our walk. I need some fresh air anyway."
"Are you feeling ok Carrie?" Sidney asked after she made that comment.
"I am fine, Sid. Don't worry and believe me the fresh air and the walk are helping" Carrie assured.
"OK Carrie, I just want to make sure" Sidney said concernedly. Sidney was always thinking in the back of his mind about the miscarriage and he had told Carrie this and she felt the same way.
Sidney pulled back into the street and drove off leaving Carrie and the twins to finish their walk. It was actually a nice day and when Carrie and the twins got back home they all decided to hang out in the backyard and enjoy the rest of the day. Carrie told Sidney about Natalie helping her out and he thought that was an awesome idea.
Later on that evening when the twins were in bed, Sidney and Carrie were hanging out watching a movie but it was not keeping Carrie attention and so she finally got up.
"Hey doll face where are you going?" asked Sidney looking at her.
"This movie is boring and I can't get comfortable. I think its the baby just making everything weird for me but not in a bad way so just chill. I think I am going to go and soak in the bathtub" Carrie explained.
"Can I join you?" asked Sidney with a grin.
"No funny business dude. I am not in the mood. Got it buster!"
"Fine no funny business. I swear on my hockey career!"
Sidney started the bath and found the bubble bath and there were lots of bubbles. He dimmed the lights and got everything just perfect for the two of them to relax.
"Hey doll face your bath awaits you" Sidney called out as he got undressed and slid into the tub to wait for Carrie. Carrie walked in and looked at Sidney and all the bubbles.
"Good gracious Sidney did you used the entire bottle of bubble bath?" asked Carrie as she undressed and then slid into the tub and then moved to be in Sidney's lap.
"Maybe I did. I was not sure how much to use" joked Sidney as he massaged her shoulders.
"Man this is going to take a million years to get rid of all these bubbles" Carrie laughed, "Sidney that does feel good. Don't forget my neck that really needs your magic touch now."
"Not a problem sweetheart" Sidney said as he moved his hands to her neck. Sidney sneakily let his hands roam all over her body and Carrie pushed his hands away.
"What do you think you are trying to do here buster? You promised me on your hockey career that you would be good and now you are being a very bad boy" Carrie said sternly as she turned to look at Sidney.
He was looking innocently at her and said, "What do you mean by me being bad?"
"You know exactly what you are doing and don't give me that innocent look. You are so not going to be able to have anymore kids and maybe no more hockey career if you keep this up dude."
Sidney didn't listen to Carrie and pulled her to him and kissed her and then they got out of the tub and dried off. Finally they got ready for bed.
"Good night Sidney"
"Good Night Carrie"
And they snuggled together and went to sleep.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Best Friends Chapter 43
Warning Adult Themes
Carrie and Sidney decided to tell everyone about the new baby as soon as they could. Everyone was thrilled about the baby news.
"Man Sid is the only thing you do in your free time is get Carrie pregnant?" joked Max as they were waiting for their turn for a passing drill.
"No, we do other things" Sidney said trying to sound annoyed but could not pull it off and Max caught on and started laughing.
"You are pitiful, Sid, trying to be all mad at my comment and you are so thinking of Carrie in the bedroom right now. Now that is a thought, Carrie in the bedroom" Max said still laughing.
"You are NOT thinking of my wife naked Max" Sidney said as he pushed Max so that he would fall and he did right onto his butt. Sidney then gave Max the death stare and Max said, "Sorry man. I have erased that image and will never think about that again. Sid you got my word, dude!"
"Thanks Max I appreciate that and the only one thinking of Carrie naked is me" Sidney said in triumph.
"Hey would you two kids stop playing and get your butts in gear and try the passing drill now!" yelled Coach Bylsma, who did not look too happy at Max or Sidney.
Max and Sidney took their turns with the drill and then got back to business with their teammates.
When Sidney got home after practice the house was quiet. He had called Carrie at one point during practice and they had chatted for a little bit and then she said that she had errands to finish up so she said she would see him after practice.
Sidney was kinda worried but he had seen her car in the garage so where was she and the twins. He checked all over the house and no one was around so he decided to call her again.
"Hello Sidney" Carrie said.
"Hey beautiful where are you guys? I just got home and you are not here but your car is here" Sidney said sounding concerned.
"I took the twins for a walk around the neighborhood. And we will be back in a few minutes."
"OK because I was starting to really worry for a moment."
"We are fine and we will see you very soon. I love you."
"I love you too."
Sidney hung up his phone and then went and decided why not go for a swim in the pool so he did just that.
When Carrie got back with the twins, Sidney was not in the house but when she looked out of the windows of the den she saw him. He was swimming around in the pool so she walked out there with the twins holding her hands.
"Hey Hot shot are you enjoying your swim?" Carrie asked while keeping the twins close to her.
"Yeah I am. Come and join me" Sidney said with his persuasive smile.
"Let me get these two kiddos down for their nap and I will see you shortly" Carrie said with a wink. And then she went off and got Aaron and Ava situated for their nap and then Carrie went and got into her swimsuit. She grabbed a towel and the baby monitor and headed out to meet Sidney in the pool. Sidney smiled when he saw his wife walk out onto the deck and then join him in the pool. Carrie swam over to where Sidney was standing and put her arms around his neck. Sidney wrapped his arms around Carrie's waist and pulled her close for a quick kiss.
"Hey dude how was practice this morning?" asked Carrie smiling.
"Fine except for the fact that Max and I got into trouble with the coach" Sidney confessed.
"What in the world did you two do to get in trouble because that does not sound like you at all Sidney?"
"Max was saying something about all you and I do is have sex and then he was talking about how he was picturing you naked and needless to say I did not like that so I pushed him down onto the ice."
"Sidney Patrick Crosby, I can't believe you pushed Max onto the ice. I really do appreciate you defending my honor and dignity. You are so sweet and perfect and I love you so much and I think you should be rewarded" Carrie said and then kissed Sidney deeply.
"How do you plan on rewarding me?" Sidney asked suggestively into her ear and then started to nibble on her earlobe and then kiss her neck.
"I think you have already started for me" Carrie laughed because she was seriously ticklish and Sidney knew this quite well. He continued his assault on her neck as he hands moved to unhook her swimsuit top and took if off of her. Then he threw it on the side of the pool and moved so he could look at her.
"Do you know how amazingly beautiful you are?" Sidney asked her.
"I do because you keep telling me over and over which I am not complaining about what so ever. And do you know how sexy you are?" asked Carrie seductively as she felt Sidney work on removing the rest of her swimsuit. She helped him out and then stepped out of it and then helped him out of his swim trucks quickly.
Sidney held her close and then he picked her up and entered her quickly. Carrie gasped as he entered her but then relaxed. Sidney moved in and out of Carrie and it felt so good. Sidney started a faster pace and then Carrie leaned over to kiss Sidney so that her screams were stifled as her orgasm hit her. She was not interested in having the neighbors know that she and Sid were making love in the pool. Sidney felt Carrie's orgasm and then his came quickly after wards as he emptied his seed into Carrie's womb. They held each other for a few minutes and then Sidney pulled out of Carrie and then kissed her again.
"Now that was different Siddo, not that I am complaining but it was fun" Carrie said as she held onto Sidney to keep the close contact of their bodies.
"Yeah that was fun and thanks for my reward for being your knight in shining armor" Sidney said as he held Carrie.
A little bit later on Sidney started round two of his reward again in the pool. He picked up Carrie and she hooked her legs around his waist and then he slowly entered her. Sidney moved slowly this time and it drove Carrie bananas but it felt so damn good.
"Oh god Sidney" Carrie moaned as Sidney continued to drive her batty.
"Yes baby...oh...good god almighty" Sidney swore as he continued to move in and out of her.
Finally he felt her tighten around him and she kissed him hard on the lips as she hit her second orgasm of the afternoon. Sidney's orgasm can soon after Carrie's and he swore again, "Damnation doll face, that was unreal."
"Wow twice in a such a short time but then again you are a very talented man that is for sure. Love you Hot shot."
"I love you too Carrie."
Carrie and Sidney decided to tell everyone about the new baby as soon as they could. Everyone was thrilled about the baby news.
"Man Sid is the only thing you do in your free time is get Carrie pregnant?" joked Max as they were waiting for their turn for a passing drill.
"No, we do other things" Sidney said trying to sound annoyed but could not pull it off and Max caught on and started laughing.
"You are pitiful, Sid, trying to be all mad at my comment and you are so thinking of Carrie in the bedroom right now. Now that is a thought, Carrie in the bedroom" Max said still laughing.
"You are NOT thinking of my wife naked Max" Sidney said as he pushed Max so that he would fall and he did right onto his butt. Sidney then gave Max the death stare and Max said, "Sorry man. I have erased that image and will never think about that again. Sid you got my word, dude!"
"Thanks Max I appreciate that and the only one thinking of Carrie naked is me" Sidney said in triumph.
"Hey would you two kids stop playing and get your butts in gear and try the passing drill now!" yelled Coach Bylsma, who did not look too happy at Max or Sidney.
Max and Sidney took their turns with the drill and then got back to business with their teammates.
When Sidney got home after practice the house was quiet. He had called Carrie at one point during practice and they had chatted for a little bit and then she said that she had errands to finish up so she said she would see him after practice.
Sidney was kinda worried but he had seen her car in the garage so where was she and the twins. He checked all over the house and no one was around so he decided to call her again.
"Hello Sidney" Carrie said.
"Hey beautiful where are you guys? I just got home and you are not here but your car is here" Sidney said sounding concerned.
"I took the twins for a walk around the neighborhood. And we will be back in a few minutes."
"OK because I was starting to really worry for a moment."
"We are fine and we will see you very soon. I love you."
"I love you too."
Sidney hung up his phone and then went and decided why not go for a swim in the pool so he did just that.
When Carrie got back with the twins, Sidney was not in the house but when she looked out of the windows of the den she saw him. He was swimming around in the pool so she walked out there with the twins holding her hands.
"Hey Hot shot are you enjoying your swim?" Carrie asked while keeping the twins close to her.
"Yeah I am. Come and join me" Sidney said with his persuasive smile.
"Let me get these two kiddos down for their nap and I will see you shortly" Carrie said with a wink. And then she went off and got Aaron and Ava situated for their nap and then Carrie went and got into her swimsuit. She grabbed a towel and the baby monitor and headed out to meet Sidney in the pool. Sidney smiled when he saw his wife walk out onto the deck and then join him in the pool. Carrie swam over to where Sidney was standing and put her arms around his neck. Sidney wrapped his arms around Carrie's waist and pulled her close for a quick kiss.
"Hey dude how was practice this morning?" asked Carrie smiling.
"Fine except for the fact that Max and I got into trouble with the coach" Sidney confessed.
"What in the world did you two do to get in trouble because that does not sound like you at all Sidney?"
"Max was saying something about all you and I do is have sex and then he was talking about how he was picturing you naked and needless to say I did not like that so I pushed him down onto the ice."
"Sidney Patrick Crosby, I can't believe you pushed Max onto the ice. I really do appreciate you defending my honor and dignity. You are so sweet and perfect and I love you so much and I think you should be rewarded" Carrie said and then kissed Sidney deeply.
"How do you plan on rewarding me?" Sidney asked suggestively into her ear and then started to nibble on her earlobe and then kiss her neck.
"I think you have already started for me" Carrie laughed because she was seriously ticklish and Sidney knew this quite well. He continued his assault on her neck as he hands moved to unhook her swimsuit top and took if off of her. Then he threw it on the side of the pool and moved so he could look at her.
"Do you know how amazingly beautiful you are?" Sidney asked her.
"I do because you keep telling me over and over which I am not complaining about what so ever. And do you know how sexy you are?" asked Carrie seductively as she felt Sidney work on removing the rest of her swimsuit. She helped him out and then stepped out of it and then helped him out of his swim trucks quickly.
Sidney held her close and then he picked her up and entered her quickly. Carrie gasped as he entered her but then relaxed. Sidney moved in and out of Carrie and it felt so good. Sidney started a faster pace and then Carrie leaned over to kiss Sidney so that her screams were stifled as her orgasm hit her. She was not interested in having the neighbors know that she and Sid were making love in the pool. Sidney felt Carrie's orgasm and then his came quickly after wards as he emptied his seed into Carrie's womb. They held each other for a few minutes and then Sidney pulled out of Carrie and then kissed her again.
"Now that was different Siddo, not that I am complaining but it was fun" Carrie said as she held onto Sidney to keep the close contact of their bodies.
"Yeah that was fun and thanks for my reward for being your knight in shining armor" Sidney said as he held Carrie.
A little bit later on Sidney started round two of his reward again in the pool. He picked up Carrie and she hooked her legs around his waist and then he slowly entered her. Sidney moved slowly this time and it drove Carrie bananas but it felt so damn good.
"Oh god Sidney" Carrie moaned as Sidney continued to drive her batty.
"Yes baby...oh...good god almighty" Sidney swore as he continued to move in and out of her.
Finally he felt her tighten around him and she kissed him hard on the lips as she hit her second orgasm of the afternoon. Sidney's orgasm can soon after Carrie's and he swore again, "Damnation doll face, that was unreal."
"Wow twice in a such a short time but then again you are a very talented man that is for sure. Love you Hot shot."
"I love you too Carrie."
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Best Friends Chapter 42
Sure enough it was time for Sidney, Carrie and the twins to head back to Pittsburgh so that Sidney could start training camp. Sidney was looking forward to seeing his teammates and getting back to the ice. Carrie was looking forward to seeing her friends and getting the twins involved in activities. She was lucky that Natalie knew people and places Carrie could take the twins so they would be entertained.
Everything seemed fine for the most part and Carrie and Sidney were back to their normal routine. Until one day when Carrie woke up one morning not feeling her best.
She tried to get up but was feeling nauseous so she laid back down. Sidney sat up and looked over at Carrie with concern.
"Doll face what's wrong?" Sidney said worriedly as he moved her hair from her face.
Just then Carrie quickly moved away from Sidney and ran into the bathroom where she threw up. Sidney followed her and grabbed a wet washcloth and handed it to Carrie. She wiped her mouth and then threw it into the laundry basket and then sat down on the bathroom floor. She looked at Sidney while she gently put her hand over her abdomen and smiled.
"Why are you smiling Carrie? You just threw up" Sidney said slightly confused. Carrie motioned for Sidney to sit next to her on the floor and he did. Then she took his hand and put it with her hand and looked Sidney in the eyes, "I think I might be pregnant again" Carrie said excitingly.
"Really" Sidney said happily.
"Yeah but I will call the doctor in a little while so I can be sure but I feel the same way I did before my other pregnancies so it is possible" Carrie smiled as Sidney looked down at their hands on Carrie's abdomen then he kissed her.
"I hope you are because that would make me so happy. Are you happy too doll face?" asked Sidney with some concern.
"I am very happy this time, Sidney. Very happy. I love you" Carrie said as she kissed Sidney again.
Later on that morning Sidney stayed with the twins while Carrie went to her doctor's appointment.
When Carrie got home she walked in to find a very clean house but noisy too and she found Sidney and the twins playing in the den.
"Hey Sidney you all seem to be having a great time here playing with toys" Carrie said as she sat down to join the fun.
"What did the doctor say?" Sidney said anxiously.
"I'm pregnant" Carrie said with a huge smile on her face. Sidney moved over to where she was sitting and pulled her into his embrace and kissed her deeply.
Carrie pulled back to catch her breath and smiled at Sidney, who looked extremely happy.
"How far along are you?" Sidney asked out of curiosity.
"I think you got my pregnant on our honeymoon because I am almost two months along. You happy about that Mr. Stud Muffin" Carrie joked as she poked him in the chest.
"OH yeah I am the man" Sidney boasted in triumph.
Carrie just shook her head and looked at the twins and said, "Daddy needs to have a party with his ego so maybe we need to go and have a snack before nap time."
Carrie started to get up and help each of the twins, who were now walking, and they headed into the kitchen and left Sidney on the floor, "Hey I don't have an ego! Ava, Aaron don't listen to your mom. I just awesome because I got mommy pregnant again!"
"You rock Hot Shot! Now can you help me with your children that I already gave birth too please! After all I am pregnant woman and I need your strong muscles to help me get this box of animal crackers opened" Carrie said sarcastically from the kitchen and Sidney got up and headed into the kitchen to help out. When Sidney walked into the kitchen Carrie batted her eyes and handed him the box of crackers, which he took and rolled his eyes and then gave Ava and Aaron some crackers.
"Thanks Hot Shot, I am so lucky that you can help me since you are THE MAN and I am just the little pregnant wife" Carrie emphasized and then started laughing.
"I am so glad that you are laughing at my silly comment and I will never live that down will I?" asked Sidney looking defeated.
"No you will not" Carrie smiled in triumph.
"Great" Sidney said as he helped getting the twins into the nursery for their nap.
After Carrie and Sidney got the twins asleep for their nap, they headed back into the den and sat down on the sofa.
"So Hot Shot what do you want to do while the twins nap?" Carrie asked.
"How about we just relax and watch a movie?" Sidney suggested.
"I like that idea a lot" Carrie said as Sidney turned on the television and they found a movie that they wanted to watch together.
Everything seemed fine for the most part and Carrie and Sidney were back to their normal routine. Until one day when Carrie woke up one morning not feeling her best.
She tried to get up but was feeling nauseous so she laid back down. Sidney sat up and looked over at Carrie with concern.
"Doll face what's wrong?" Sidney said worriedly as he moved her hair from her face.
Just then Carrie quickly moved away from Sidney and ran into the bathroom where she threw up. Sidney followed her and grabbed a wet washcloth and handed it to Carrie. She wiped her mouth and then threw it into the laundry basket and then sat down on the bathroom floor. She looked at Sidney while she gently put her hand over her abdomen and smiled.
"Why are you smiling Carrie? You just threw up" Sidney said slightly confused. Carrie motioned for Sidney to sit next to her on the floor and he did. Then she took his hand and put it with her hand and looked Sidney in the eyes, "I think I might be pregnant again" Carrie said excitingly.
"Really" Sidney said happily.
"Yeah but I will call the doctor in a little while so I can be sure but I feel the same way I did before my other pregnancies so it is possible" Carrie smiled as Sidney looked down at their hands on Carrie's abdomen then he kissed her.
"I hope you are because that would make me so happy. Are you happy too doll face?" asked Sidney with some concern.
"I am very happy this time, Sidney. Very happy. I love you" Carrie said as she kissed Sidney again.
Later on that morning Sidney stayed with the twins while Carrie went to her doctor's appointment.
When Carrie got home she walked in to find a very clean house but noisy too and she found Sidney and the twins playing in the den.
"Hey Sidney you all seem to be having a great time here playing with toys" Carrie said as she sat down to join the fun.
"What did the doctor say?" Sidney said anxiously.
"I'm pregnant" Carrie said with a huge smile on her face. Sidney moved over to where she was sitting and pulled her into his embrace and kissed her deeply.
Carrie pulled back to catch her breath and smiled at Sidney, who looked extremely happy.
"How far along are you?" Sidney asked out of curiosity.
"I think you got my pregnant on our honeymoon because I am almost two months along. You happy about that Mr. Stud Muffin" Carrie joked as she poked him in the chest.
"OH yeah I am the man" Sidney boasted in triumph.
Carrie just shook her head and looked at the twins and said, "Daddy needs to have a party with his ego so maybe we need to go and have a snack before nap time."
Carrie started to get up and help each of the twins, who were now walking, and they headed into the kitchen and left Sidney on the floor, "Hey I don't have an ego! Ava, Aaron don't listen to your mom. I just awesome because I got mommy pregnant again!"
"You rock Hot Shot! Now can you help me with your children that I already gave birth too please! After all I am pregnant woman and I need your strong muscles to help me get this box of animal crackers opened" Carrie said sarcastically from the kitchen and Sidney got up and headed into the kitchen to help out. When Sidney walked into the kitchen Carrie batted her eyes and handed him the box of crackers, which he took and rolled his eyes and then gave Ava and Aaron some crackers.
"Thanks Hot Shot, I am so lucky that you can help me since you are THE MAN and I am just the little pregnant wife" Carrie emphasized and then started laughing.
"I am so glad that you are laughing at my silly comment and I will never live that down will I?" asked Sidney looking defeated.
"No you will not" Carrie smiled in triumph.
"Great" Sidney said as he helped getting the twins into the nursery for their nap.
After Carrie and Sidney got the twins asleep for their nap, they headed back into the den and sat down on the sofa.
"So Hot Shot what do you want to do while the twins nap?" Carrie asked.
"How about we just relax and watch a movie?" Sidney suggested.
"I like that idea a lot" Carrie said as Sidney turned on the television and they found a movie that they wanted to watch together.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Best Friends Chapter 41
The honeymoon was wonderful and Carrie and Sidney were having so much fun seeing the sites, relaxing and of course Sidney's favorite part, making love to Carrie every night. No one cared who Sidney was and that was a wonderful break too. Carrie and Sidney could wander around and actually relax and be a normal couple on their honeymoon. No cameras or interviews it was perfect in every way possible. They enjoyed having romantic dinners together and walking on the beach at night. They made the most of being a couple and have fun together.
Finally it was time to head back to the real world and the twins. Carrie and Sidney were getting their bags together so the bellman could take them down to the lobby and then they were headed to the airport.
"Sidney, I have have so much fun and I hate to leave but I know we need to get back to our lives. And I miss the twins so much" Carrie said as she put her arms around Sidney's shoulders. He put his arms around her waist and smiled down at her.
"Yeah its been awesome and I hate that we have to go back too. I miss Ava and Aaron and all their silliness too".
They headed to the lobby and checked out and then were off to the airport. They checked in at the airline counter and then headed through security. They got to their gate and had a little bit of time to wait until their plane left. They wandered around some of the airport stores and then finally went back to the gate and sat down.
While they were sitting waiting for the plane, Sidney noticed some guy that kept looking over at Carrie. She was busy reading a book so Sidney nudged her, "Hey doll face do you know that guy over there? He keeps looking at you" Sidney said looking concerned and annoyed.
Carrie looked up at the guy Sidney was talking about and then her face went pale.
"What's the matter Carrie?" Sidney said now looking really concerned at Carrie.
"That's.....that's...uhm...oh gracious..." Carrie stuttered, "Its Jack!" she finally said.
"What? Its Jack. Whoa, you know what I really want to do to him" Sidney said sounding pissed off but Carrie put her hand on his leg.
"Sidney, hey that's the past and I don't want a scene and neither do you. Got it buster!" Carrie exclaimed.
"Fine for your sake but if he says anything that I don't like I don't care about my reputation. All I care about is you" Sidney said trying to calm down.
"Thank you Sidney" Carrie said giving Sidney a quick kiss on the cheek. Sidney smiled and went back to his magazine.
A few minutes later Jack walked over to where Carrie and Sidney were sitting.
"Carrie, Carrie Addison is that you?" asked Jack as he stood near them.
Carrie looked up and smiled, "Hey Jack, how are you doing? Its been a long time and its Carrie Crosby now" Carrie said as she showed off her wedding band.
"Oh wow congratulations, Carrie. You look great" Jack said admiring at how happy and amazing Carrie looked now.
"Thanks Jack. This is my husband Sidney" Carrie explained as Sidney stood up and shook Jack's extended hand. Carrie stood too and they chatted for a few more minutes and then the flight attendant started calling that they would board shortly.
Carrie was thankful that Sidney was respectful of her wishes not to act crazy because of what Jack had done to her in the past. Jack told them he was divorced and did not have any children and that he worked as a scout for the Bakersfield Condors, which are the minor league team for the Anaheim Ducks. It ended up being a decent conversation even though Sidney wanted nothing more that to punch Jack's lights out.
The flight attendant started calling out for passengers to start boarding and that ended the conversation and Carrie and Sidney headed for their flight. They got to Halifax really late but Sidney's parents met them at the airport. Taylor was babysitting the twins at the house.
"How was your trip?" Trina asked as they were in the car heading home.
Carrie was leaning her head on Sidney's shoulder because she was exhausted but Sidney actually had a little bit of energy and so he talked for both of them.
"We had a great time and it was so relaxing. We both really did not want to come back home except that we both really missed Ava and Aaron tons" Sidney said as he yawned and then looked down at Carrie who had ended up falling asleep.
"You two look so relaxed and happy. I am glad you had a great trip" Trina whispered as she too noticed that Carrie was asleep. Sidney just smiled at his mom and then looked out the car window.
When they got home, Taylor had stayed up just so she could see Sidney and Carrie.
"Hey Taylor" Sidney said as he walked over to his sister and gave her a hug.
"Hey Sid, did you have a fun honeymoon?" Taylor asked.
"Yeah it was fun" Sidney said and then moved back so that Carrie could give Taylor a quick hug too.
"Hey Taylor. Thank you for helping out with Ava and Aaron" Carrie said.
"I love watching my niece and nephew anytime. They are so cute but they are constantly moving" Taylor laughed.
"I bet so" Sidney said keeping his arm around Carrie's waist.
They all headed off to bed but Carrie and Sidney went and checked on the twins, who were sleeping in a room that had been converted into a nursery just for them.
Carrie and Sidney gave them each a kiss and then headed straight to bed themselves.
"Hey Sidney" Carrie called out to Sidney who was in the bed already.
"Yeah doll face" Sidney responded looking at her as she walked out of the bathroom.
"I am really glad to be home" Carrie said as she slid into bed and Sidney pulled her towards him.
"Yeah I am too" Sidney said as he gave Carrie a goodnight kiss as they snuggled together and went to sleep.
Finally it was time to head back to the real world and the twins. Carrie and Sidney were getting their bags together so the bellman could take them down to the lobby and then they were headed to the airport.
"Sidney, I have have so much fun and I hate to leave but I know we need to get back to our lives. And I miss the twins so much" Carrie said as she put her arms around Sidney's shoulders. He put his arms around her waist and smiled down at her.
"Yeah its been awesome and I hate that we have to go back too. I miss Ava and Aaron and all their silliness too".
They headed to the lobby and checked out and then were off to the airport. They checked in at the airline counter and then headed through security. They got to their gate and had a little bit of time to wait until their plane left. They wandered around some of the airport stores and then finally went back to the gate and sat down.
While they were sitting waiting for the plane, Sidney noticed some guy that kept looking over at Carrie. She was busy reading a book so Sidney nudged her, "Hey doll face do you know that guy over there? He keeps looking at you" Sidney said looking concerned and annoyed.
Carrie looked up at the guy Sidney was talking about and then her face went pale.
"What's the matter Carrie?" Sidney said now looking really concerned at Carrie.
"That's.....that's...uhm...oh gracious..." Carrie stuttered, "Its Jack!" she finally said.
"What? Its Jack. Whoa, you know what I really want to do to him" Sidney said sounding pissed off but Carrie put her hand on his leg.
"Sidney, hey that's the past and I don't want a scene and neither do you. Got it buster!" Carrie exclaimed.
"Fine for your sake but if he says anything that I don't like I don't care about my reputation. All I care about is you" Sidney said trying to calm down.
"Thank you Sidney" Carrie said giving Sidney a quick kiss on the cheek. Sidney smiled and went back to his magazine.
A few minutes later Jack walked over to where Carrie and Sidney were sitting.
"Carrie, Carrie Addison is that you?" asked Jack as he stood near them.
Carrie looked up and smiled, "Hey Jack, how are you doing? Its been a long time and its Carrie Crosby now" Carrie said as she showed off her wedding band.
"Oh wow congratulations, Carrie. You look great" Jack said admiring at how happy and amazing Carrie looked now.
"Thanks Jack. This is my husband Sidney" Carrie explained as Sidney stood up and shook Jack's extended hand. Carrie stood too and they chatted for a few more minutes and then the flight attendant started calling that they would board shortly.
Carrie was thankful that Sidney was respectful of her wishes not to act crazy because of what Jack had done to her in the past. Jack told them he was divorced and did not have any children and that he worked as a scout for the Bakersfield Condors, which are the minor league team for the Anaheim Ducks. It ended up being a decent conversation even though Sidney wanted nothing more that to punch Jack's lights out.
The flight attendant started calling out for passengers to start boarding and that ended the conversation and Carrie and Sidney headed for their flight. They got to Halifax really late but Sidney's parents met them at the airport. Taylor was babysitting the twins at the house.
"How was your trip?" Trina asked as they were in the car heading home.
Carrie was leaning her head on Sidney's shoulder because she was exhausted but Sidney actually had a little bit of energy and so he talked for both of them.
"We had a great time and it was so relaxing. We both really did not want to come back home except that we both really missed Ava and Aaron tons" Sidney said as he yawned and then looked down at Carrie who had ended up falling asleep.
"You two look so relaxed and happy. I am glad you had a great trip" Trina whispered as she too noticed that Carrie was asleep. Sidney just smiled at his mom and then looked out the car window.
When they got home, Taylor had stayed up just so she could see Sidney and Carrie.
"Hey Taylor" Sidney said as he walked over to his sister and gave her a hug.
"Hey Sid, did you have a fun honeymoon?" Taylor asked.
"Yeah it was fun" Sidney said and then moved back so that Carrie could give Taylor a quick hug too.
"Hey Taylor. Thank you for helping out with Ava and Aaron" Carrie said.
"I love watching my niece and nephew anytime. They are so cute but they are constantly moving" Taylor laughed.
"I bet so" Sidney said keeping his arm around Carrie's waist.
They all headed off to bed but Carrie and Sidney went and checked on the twins, who were sleeping in a room that had been converted into a nursery just for them.
Carrie and Sidney gave them each a kiss and then headed straight to bed themselves.
"Hey Sidney" Carrie called out to Sidney who was in the bed already.
"Yeah doll face" Sidney responded looking at her as she walked out of the bathroom.
"I am really glad to be home" Carrie said as she slid into bed and Sidney pulled her towards him.
"Yeah I am too" Sidney said as he gave Carrie a goodnight kiss as they snuggled together and went to sleep.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Best Friends Chapter 40
Warning Adult Content
Carrie and Sidney arrived at the resort and check in and when they got to their suite, Carrie was in awe. The suite was huge and had an amazing view of the ocean. Carrie walked out onto the balcony while Sidney dealt with the bellman. She stood there and just took in the view. A few minutes later Sidney walked out onto the balcony too and stood behind Carrie and put his arms around her waist.
"This view is amazing" Carrie exclaimed as she felt Sidney come up behind her.
"Yeah its pretty awesome" Sidney said and then whispered something into Carrie's ear and she blushed.
"You are crazy Sidney and the only show that is happening will be behind closed doors with you and me only. No audience what so ever" Carrie said as she headed back into the room and Sidney followed her and closed the door to the balcony. When Sidney turned back around he did not see Carrie and then he heard her rummaging through her luggage in the bedroom.
"There you are. I go and close the door to the balcony and you disappear on me. What are you looking for anyway? You surely don't need anything to sleep in because you naked in the bed is all that is required now" Sidney joked as he continued to watch her rummage through the suitcase.
"Sorry hot shot but I want to take a quick shower before going to bed tonight. I feel all gross from being on that plane forever. Aha there is my shampoo" Carrie got up off the floor in triumph and smiled at Sidney, "Hey if you want to join me you can but I understand that you have other ideas about putting on a show for all the tourists on the balcony so I will just enjoy my shower. And maybe I should call up for that cute guy I saw in the lobby that smiled at me. I wouldn't mind sharing a shower with him. Hmmmmmmm, Sid you wouldn't mind would you?" Carrie said sarcastically and then sashayed her cute little butt into the bathroom.
Sidney was quite impressed with the performance his wife and just put on for him and quickly undressed and followed her into the bathroom. Carrie had the water running and was already in the shower when Sidney opened the door and walked in to join Carrie.
He came up behind and she turned around and looked at him, "Hey you aren't the cute guy from the lobby. Where is he?" Carrie said as she continued joking with Sidney.
"I am so sorry Mrs. Crosby but I am the only man that should be in here with you and whoever that guy is you keep talking about can kiss my ass. I am the only one that should be admiring this beautiful body of work in front of me. God, Carrie you are just so perfect in every way. I love you so much" Sidney said and he pulled her to him and then kissed her deeply. Carrie put her arms around Sidney's shoulders and held onto him tightly. They actually showered and then headed to the bedroom after drying off.
Sidney laid Carrie down on the bed and then laid down next to her. They were laying on their sides facing each other. Sidney moved some hair out of Carrie's face and then kissed her again. Then Sidney moved Carrie onto her back and he moved above her and then kissed her all over paying special attention to her breasts. His hands move and caressed her and Carrie gave into the amazing sensations that Sidney was stirring inside of her.
"Oh god Sidney yes" Carrie moaned as she grabbed onto the sheets of the bed. Sidney was enjoying making Carrie go crazy in a good way. He knew just where to touch and caress her so that her orgasm would be earth shattering. Sure enough Sidney fingers gently caressed her clit one last time and she cried out loudly and then looked at Sidney as he smiled at her. He held her as she shuddered and relaxed in Sidney's arms after the mind blowing orgasm that Sidney had given her.
"God Carrie you looked so beautiful while I was touching you. I love how easy it is to make you scream my name while we are having fun" Sidney said as he leaned down to kiss her deeply again.
"I think you need some attention too" Carrie said as she finally calmed down and moved her hand along his chest.
Sidney moved above Carrie again and Carrie moved her legs around Sidney's waist and he entered her slowly. Sidney moved in and out of her fast and then would change up and slow it down and bit. He flipped them so that Carrie was on top and she moved her hips with Sidney's help. Then Sidney flipped them so that he was on top again and continued moving in and out of Carrie until Sidney felt Carrie shutter with her second orgasm of the night and then he felt his too and emptied his seed into her womb. They held each other for a little bit and then Sidney moved off of Carrie and they snuggled together in the bed.
"Holy cow Sidney that was totally fun but I think the cute guy in the lobby might be better" Carrie playfully joked with Sidney.
Sidney did not look to amused with that comment and moved above Carrie again and then kissed her hard and when he pulled back so they both could catch their breath.
"Well if I am not good enough then I am sure there is some girl who would be thrilled to hook up with me after all I am Sidney Crosby, the new face of the NHL" joked Sidney and started to get up off the bed but Carrie grabbed Sidney's arm and pull him back to the bed and move above him and looked at him with a death stare.
"No way is another woman is going to touch your hot body but me! You are mine and only mine!" Carrie emphasized strongly as she straddled Sidney. He pulled her down and smiled and kissed Carrie and then said, "I like that you are so possessive of me. Its extremely hot. Now I come here closer so I can make love to you again and again."
"I love you Sidney" Carrie said as she moved into Sidney's arms.
"I love you too Carrie and am thrilled we are finally husband and wife. Its been something that I have wanted for so long and now its happened and my life is perfect" Sidney said as he kissed her for the millionth time that night.
Carrie and Sidney arrived at the resort and check in and when they got to their suite, Carrie was in awe. The suite was huge and had an amazing view of the ocean. Carrie walked out onto the balcony while Sidney dealt with the bellman. She stood there and just took in the view. A few minutes later Sidney walked out onto the balcony too and stood behind Carrie and put his arms around her waist.
"This view is amazing" Carrie exclaimed as she felt Sidney come up behind her.
"Yeah its pretty awesome" Sidney said and then whispered something into Carrie's ear and she blushed.
"You are crazy Sidney and the only show that is happening will be behind closed doors with you and me only. No audience what so ever" Carrie said as she headed back into the room and Sidney followed her and closed the door to the balcony. When Sidney turned back around he did not see Carrie and then he heard her rummaging through her luggage in the bedroom.
"There you are. I go and close the door to the balcony and you disappear on me. What are you looking for anyway? You surely don't need anything to sleep in because you naked in the bed is all that is required now" Sidney joked as he continued to watch her rummage through the suitcase.
"Sorry hot shot but I want to take a quick shower before going to bed tonight. I feel all gross from being on that plane forever. Aha there is my shampoo" Carrie got up off the floor in triumph and smiled at Sidney, "Hey if you want to join me you can but I understand that you have other ideas about putting on a show for all the tourists on the balcony so I will just enjoy my shower. And maybe I should call up for that cute guy I saw in the lobby that smiled at me. I wouldn't mind sharing a shower with him. Hmmmmmmm, Sid you wouldn't mind would you?" Carrie said sarcastically and then sashayed her cute little butt into the bathroom.
Sidney was quite impressed with the performance his wife and just put on for him and quickly undressed and followed her into the bathroom. Carrie had the water running and was already in the shower when Sidney opened the door and walked in to join Carrie.
He came up behind and she turned around and looked at him, "Hey you aren't the cute guy from the lobby. Where is he?" Carrie said as she continued joking with Sidney.
"I am so sorry Mrs. Crosby but I am the only man that should be in here with you and whoever that guy is you keep talking about can kiss my ass. I am the only one that should be admiring this beautiful body of work in front of me. God, Carrie you are just so perfect in every way. I love you so much" Sidney said and he pulled her to him and then kissed her deeply. Carrie put her arms around Sidney's shoulders and held onto him tightly. They actually showered and then headed to the bedroom after drying off.
Sidney laid Carrie down on the bed and then laid down next to her. They were laying on their sides facing each other. Sidney moved some hair out of Carrie's face and then kissed her again. Then Sidney moved Carrie onto her back and he moved above her and then kissed her all over paying special attention to her breasts. His hands move and caressed her and Carrie gave into the amazing sensations that Sidney was stirring inside of her.
"Oh god Sidney yes" Carrie moaned as she grabbed onto the sheets of the bed. Sidney was enjoying making Carrie go crazy in a good way. He knew just where to touch and caress her so that her orgasm would be earth shattering. Sure enough Sidney fingers gently caressed her clit one last time and she cried out loudly and then looked at Sidney as he smiled at her. He held her as she shuddered and relaxed in Sidney's arms after the mind blowing orgasm that Sidney had given her.
"God Carrie you looked so beautiful while I was touching you. I love how easy it is to make you scream my name while we are having fun" Sidney said as he leaned down to kiss her deeply again.
"I think you need some attention too" Carrie said as she finally calmed down and moved her hand along his chest.
Sidney moved above Carrie again and Carrie moved her legs around Sidney's waist and he entered her slowly. Sidney moved in and out of her fast and then would change up and slow it down and bit. He flipped them so that Carrie was on top and she moved her hips with Sidney's help. Then Sidney flipped them so that he was on top again and continued moving in and out of Carrie until Sidney felt Carrie shutter with her second orgasm of the night and then he felt his too and emptied his seed into her womb. They held each other for a little bit and then Sidney moved off of Carrie and they snuggled together in the bed.
"Holy cow Sidney that was totally fun but I think the cute guy in the lobby might be better" Carrie playfully joked with Sidney.
Sidney did not look to amused with that comment and moved above Carrie again and then kissed her hard and when he pulled back so they both could catch their breath.
"Well if I am not good enough then I am sure there is some girl who would be thrilled to hook up with me after all I am Sidney Crosby, the new face of the NHL" joked Sidney and started to get up off the bed but Carrie grabbed Sidney's arm and pull him back to the bed and move above him and looked at him with a death stare.
"No way is another woman is going to touch your hot body but me! You are mine and only mine!" Carrie emphasized strongly as she straddled Sidney. He pulled her down and smiled and kissed Carrie and then said, "I like that you are so possessive of me. Its extremely hot. Now I come here closer so I can make love to you again and again."
"I love you Sidney" Carrie said as she moved into Sidney's arms.
"I love you too Carrie and am thrilled we are finally husband and wife. Its been something that I have wanted for so long and now its happened and my life is perfect" Sidney said as he kissed her for the millionth time that night.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Best Friends Chapter 39
The chapel was perfectly decorated and the guests were all getting seated. Sidney, Marc Andre, Craig, Colby and Troy were all in a waiting in a small room off to the side of the front of the chapel. Finally they were told to come in and get ready because it was just about time to start. Sidney and all the guys walked in and both Sidney's and Carrie's moms were sitting holding Ava and Aaron.
Meanwhile Carrie was just arriving at the chapel and getting out of the limousine. Vero, Taylor, Melissa and Melanie were helping Carrie get situated and ready to walk down the aisle. The girls made it into the entry way of the chapel but no one inside the chapel could see them just yet since the doors were closed.
"Here we are Carrie and now its your big moment" Vero said to her as all the girls smiled.
"You all have been so wonderful with everything and I don't know how to thank you for being here for me and being my friends. I love all of you so much" Carrie said as tears formed in her eyes.
They all gathered for a quick hug and then they situated Carrie veil and dress and then it was time to open the doors for the bridesmaids to walk down the aisle. Then the doors were closed again and Carrie and her dad got ready for their moment.
"Carrie you are my little girl and I am so proud of you. I know you and Sidney have been through so much and you guys love each other so that is all I want is for my little girl to be happy and healthy. Oh and I have to say that you are an amazing mother of my grandchildren too, darling" Mr. Addison said as he gave Carrie a hug.
"Thanks Dad. All I ever wanted is to be happy and I am with Sidney and the twins. I am happy too that you are proud of me. I have tried to be the best daughter for you and mom and you saying that you are proud of me, makes me realize how lucky I am" Carrie said smiling at her dad.
The doors opened to the chapel and Carrie and her dad walked down the aisle towards Sidney. Carrie looked at Sidney and could not believe how gorgeous he looked. In his tux and everything about him was perfect and just Sidney. Sidney was watching Carrie walk towards him and he could not believe at how beautiful she looked. She was perfection in that dress and her hair was all done with curls and a tiara that sparkled.
Carrie's dad gave her hand to Sidney and he said, "Take good care of her for me Sidney".
"I will sir" Sidney said as he nodded to her father and then took Carrie's hand and smiled at Carrie. Carrie blushed and smiled at Sidney and then they turned their attention to the minister.
"Dearly beloved we are gathered here today to celebrate this special day with Carrie and Sidney" the minister said and then continued with a special marriage prayer, "We thank You, O God, for the love You have implanted in our hearts. May it always inspire us to be kind in our words, considerate of feelings, and concerned for each other's needs and wishes. Help us to be understanding and forgiving of human weaknesses and failings.
Increase our faith and trust in You and may Your prudence guide our life and love.
Bless our marriage, O God, with peace and happiness, and make our Love fruitful for Your glory and our joy both here and in eternity".
"Sidney has something he wishes to say now" the minister said.
"Carrie wow we known each other for a while now. We have been through so many experiences that have made me a better person thanks to you. The main thing is the day you told me we were having a baby which turned into twins. I love being a father and the two of us working together to raise Ava and Aaron. We are a good team. I don't know anyone else whom I want to share the rest of my life with but you, Carrie. You make me realize all the stupid things I do which I know I am not perfect are learning experiences to make me as strong as you. I love you so much and can't wait to start this new journey with you. I am lucky to have you as my partner in crime and you mean the world to me" Sidney said as tears filled his eyes.
"Carrie its your turn now" the minister said.
"Sidney, you started off as my best friend and will always be my best friend. We have been through many ups and downs but in the end we were there for each other and that's what counts. You make me laugh and cry but I know its for the best. You are an amazing father to Ava and Aaron and you make me a better mother to them too. I love you and you are my heart forever" Carrie said as she started to cry.
"Can I have the rings please?" the minister asked Colby who handed him both rings.
"Sidney repeat after me. I, Sidney Patrick Crosby, take Carrie Jocelyn Addison to be my lawfully wedded wife. To have and to hold from this day until forever."
"Carrie repeat after me. I, Carrie Jocelyn Addison, take Sidney Patrick Crosby to be
my lawfully wedded husband. To have and to hold from this day until forever."
"Now Sidney please give Carrie her ring and Carrie please give Sidney his ring" the minister instructed.
"Now by the powers vested in my by the province of Nova Scotia I now pronounce you husband and wife. Sidney you may kiss your bride" announced the minister.
Sidney wasted not time and kissed Carrie deeply. Then they turned as the minister said, "May I present to you all, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Crosby!"
Sidney and Carrie walked down the aisle, smiling at everyone. When they got to the lobby Sidney kissed Carrie again just for hell of it.
The reception was lots of fun and pictures were being taken by this amazing photographer that Trina knew. The food was great and Carrie and Sidney were constantly on the move during the reception but finally Natalie got them settled so they could eat and relax. Fun times were had by everyone.
Finally it was time for Sidney and Carrie to head off onto their honeymoon. Sidney's parents were going to take care of the twins so Carrie and Sidney could actually have a honeymoon. They were going to the Caribbean to a very nice resort and spa. Both of them were very excited to get away and relax for a week and a half.
Carrie and Sidney gave everyone hugs and kisses and then got into the limousine that would take them to the airport. Carrie threw her bouquet before she got into the car and Vero actually caught it and Marc Andre just shook his head.
Once Sidney and Carrie were in the limo, Sidney turned to look at Carrie, "Hey we did it. Can you believe it?"
"I can and I can't. It just seemed so amazing and it went by so fast but I am happy and I love you, Mr. Crosby" Carrie said smiling at him.
"I love you too Mrs. Crosby" Sidney said as he leaned over to kiss Carrie.
Meanwhile Carrie was just arriving at the chapel and getting out of the limousine. Vero, Taylor, Melissa and Melanie were helping Carrie get situated and ready to walk down the aisle. The girls made it into the entry way of the chapel but no one inside the chapel could see them just yet since the doors were closed.
"Here we are Carrie and now its your big moment" Vero said to her as all the girls smiled.
"You all have been so wonderful with everything and I don't know how to thank you for being here for me and being my friends. I love all of you so much" Carrie said as tears formed in her eyes.
They all gathered for a quick hug and then they situated Carrie veil and dress and then it was time to open the doors for the bridesmaids to walk down the aisle. Then the doors were closed again and Carrie and her dad got ready for their moment.
"Carrie you are my little girl and I am so proud of you. I know you and Sidney have been through so much and you guys love each other so that is all I want is for my little girl to be happy and healthy. Oh and I have to say that you are an amazing mother of my grandchildren too, darling" Mr. Addison said as he gave Carrie a hug.
"Thanks Dad. All I ever wanted is to be happy and I am with Sidney and the twins. I am happy too that you are proud of me. I have tried to be the best daughter for you and mom and you saying that you are proud of me, makes me realize how lucky I am" Carrie said smiling at her dad.
The doors opened to the chapel and Carrie and her dad walked down the aisle towards Sidney. Carrie looked at Sidney and could not believe how gorgeous he looked. In his tux and everything about him was perfect and just Sidney. Sidney was watching Carrie walk towards him and he could not believe at how beautiful she looked. She was perfection in that dress and her hair was all done with curls and a tiara that sparkled.
Carrie's dad gave her hand to Sidney and he said, "Take good care of her for me Sidney".
"I will sir" Sidney said as he nodded to her father and then took Carrie's hand and smiled at Carrie. Carrie blushed and smiled at Sidney and then they turned their attention to the minister.
"Dearly beloved we are gathered here today to celebrate this special day with Carrie and Sidney" the minister said and then continued with a special marriage prayer, "We thank You, O God, for the love You have implanted in our hearts. May it always inspire us to be kind in our words, considerate of feelings, and concerned for each other's needs and wishes. Help us to be understanding and forgiving of human weaknesses and failings.
Increase our faith and trust in You and may Your prudence guide our life and love.
Bless our marriage, O God, with peace and happiness, and make our Love fruitful for Your glory and our joy both here and in eternity".
"Sidney has something he wishes to say now" the minister said.
"Carrie wow we known each other for a while now. We have been through so many experiences that have made me a better person thanks to you. The main thing is the day you told me we were having a baby which turned into twins. I love being a father and the two of us working together to raise Ava and Aaron. We are a good team. I don't know anyone else whom I want to share the rest of my life with but you, Carrie. You make me realize all the stupid things I do which I know I am not perfect are learning experiences to make me as strong as you. I love you so much and can't wait to start this new journey with you. I am lucky to have you as my partner in crime and you mean the world to me" Sidney said as tears filled his eyes.
"Carrie its your turn now" the minister said.
"Sidney, you started off as my best friend and will always be my best friend. We have been through many ups and downs but in the end we were there for each other and that's what counts. You make me laugh and cry but I know its for the best. You are an amazing father to Ava and Aaron and you make me a better mother to them too. I love you and you are my heart forever" Carrie said as she started to cry.
"Can I have the rings please?" the minister asked Colby who handed him both rings.
"Sidney repeat after me. I, Sidney Patrick Crosby, take Carrie Jocelyn Addison to be my lawfully wedded wife. To have and to hold from this day until forever."
"Carrie repeat after me. I, Carrie Jocelyn Addison, take Sidney Patrick Crosby to be
my lawfully wedded husband. To have and to hold from this day until forever."
"Now Sidney please give Carrie her ring and Carrie please give Sidney his ring" the minister instructed.
"Now by the powers vested in my by the province of Nova Scotia I now pronounce you husband and wife. Sidney you may kiss your bride" announced the minister.
Sidney wasted not time and kissed Carrie deeply. Then they turned as the minister said, "May I present to you all, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Crosby!"
Sidney and Carrie walked down the aisle, smiling at everyone. When they got to the lobby Sidney kissed Carrie again just for hell of it.
The reception was lots of fun and pictures were being taken by this amazing photographer that Trina knew. The food was great and Carrie and Sidney were constantly on the move during the reception but finally Natalie got them settled so they could eat and relax. Fun times were had by everyone.
Finally it was time for Sidney and Carrie to head off onto their honeymoon. Sidney's parents were going to take care of the twins so Carrie and Sidney could actually have a honeymoon. They were going to the Caribbean to a very nice resort and spa. Both of them were very excited to get away and relax for a week and a half.
Carrie and Sidney gave everyone hugs and kisses and then got into the limousine that would take them to the airport. Carrie threw her bouquet before she got into the car and Vero actually caught it and Marc Andre just shook his head.
Once Sidney and Carrie were in the limo, Sidney turned to look at Carrie, "Hey we did it. Can you believe it?"
"I can and I can't. It just seemed so amazing and it went by so fast but I am happy and I love you, Mr. Crosby" Carrie said smiling at him.
"I love you too Mrs. Crosby" Sidney said as he leaned over to kiss Carrie.
Monday, July 13, 2009
My Second Sidney Story
I started a new Sidney story and its called "Never Let Go" so go and check it out.
Its only got one chapter but I am working on chapter 2 and we shall see if anyone actually likes this one too?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Here is the link:
Please read and let me know what you think. Of course you can also tell me what you think of "Best Friends" too!!!!
Its only got one chapter but I am working on chapter 2 and we shall see if anyone actually likes this one too?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Here is the link:
Please read and let me know what you think. Of course you can also tell me what you think of "Best Friends" too!!!!
Best Friends Chapter 38
Today Sidney, Carrie and the twins were flying up to Halifax so they could get settled and ready for the big day. The rehearsal dinner was that night and then Sidney and Carrie had their bachelor and bachelorette parties too. They got to the house and luckily Sid's parents and sister were already there.
"Hey guys how was your flight?" asked Troy as he took their suitcases and set them to the side.
"It was fine and we were lucky the twins slept the whole way. They are just now ready to cause havoc" Sidney said as he set down Aaron on the floor and he started crawling all around. Carrie came in behind Sidney with Ava in her arms. Ava started wiggling because she saw Aaron on the floor so Carrie put her down and Ava crawled off after Aaron.
"Wow they really are getting big, Carrie" Trina said as they went and followed after the twins.
"Yeah they are and they are pulling themselves up on things too. I know that Ava is getting ready to start walking at any time because she loves when Sidney takes her arms and helps her walk and she usually lets one of his hands go and tries but usually ends up on her bottom. But its just so cute" Carrie said smiling.
Sidney and his dad followed into the den where everyone was watching the twins moving everywhere. Sure enough Ava pulled herself up and was holding onto the couch and then reaching for Sidney to help her walk. So Sidney walked over to Ava and they showed off her walking. This time she actually let go of both of Sidney's hands and took a few steps before falling down.
"Oh my god. Ava you are walking!" Carrie exclaimed happily. She grabbed her camera and Sidney pick her up again and Ava took a few more steps as Carrie was filming Ava walking for the first time.
"Did you get that?" asked Sidney as he walked over to Carrie and put his arm around her waist.
"Yeah I did. Here you can look" Carrie said as she showed Sid her camera.
"I can't believe it Ava you are becoming a big girl now" Sidney said smiling at Ava, who was looking at all of them with her cute little smile. Carrie picked Ava up and hugged her baby girl and kissed her on the cheek, "Ava you just made my day sweetie. I love you and your silly brother so much."
Aaron was crawling around at Sidney's feet so he pick him up, "OK dude your sister is walking now you need to move it along too" joked Sidney as he kiss his son's cheek. Carrie smiled at her boys and realized how lucky she was with this amazing family she had. Sidney looked at Carrie and kissed her, "I love you".
Everyone else was starting to arrive and then all the craziness of the day began. The day started off with a lunch with everyone then the dress rehearsal, which went off without a hitch.
Finally it was dinner time and everyone met at a local seafood restaurant. The guests were all hanging around and talking but everyone wondered where were Sidney and Carrie.
"They knew what time we were meeting so what's the deal?" asked Troy as he looked at Trina.
"I don't know" Trina said as she pulled out her cell phone and tried to call Sidney, "He is not answering. It goes straight to voice mail".
"Hmmmm its not like them to be late" said Craig trying to call Carrie's cell phone, "It's ringing. Hey Carrie where are you? Everyone's worried."
"Sorry Craig. Sidney wanted to walk to the restaurant and we are just now at the door. See ya in a minute" Carrie explained.
Sidney and Carrie arrived and everyone was breathing a sigh of relief.
"We have been worried about you two" said Trina as she hugged Carrie.
"Sorry I just wanted a little alone time with Carrie before it gets crazy" Sidney apologized as he hugged his mom.
"Ok well we are glad you two are here so let's get this party started" joked Craig.
The rehearsal dinner was fun and everyone enjoyed themselves tremendously. It really was a fun party.
After wards the guys were off to a local bar to do bachelor party stuff and the girls were headed to the hotel where they were going to have a girlie sleepover party. Sidney grabbed Carrie's hands walked away for a few minutes alone before they both were going to be rushed off to hang out with their friends.
"Hey I just wanted to tell you, that I love you, Carrie Addison. I can't wait until tomorrow when you become my wife" Sidney said as he looked into her eyes.
"I love you too Sidney Crosby and I can't wait until you are my husband" Carrie said as she looked into his eyes.
"Have fun with the girls and don't do anything I would not do" joked Sidney.
"You better behave yourself and don't get into any trouble. Remember what happened to Jordan and Eric Staal before Eric's wedding!" Carrie said sternly.
"Don't worry about me, Carrie. I am going to be very careful because I don't need anything stupid and I plan on staying sober" Sidney said very seriously.
"I trust you completely, Sidney."
"I trust you too, Carrie."
Then Sidney leaned down and kissed Carrie deeply. They were being yelled at by their friends to save it for the honeymoon. Before they knew they were both being dragged away from each other.
The girls had a two rooms with all sorts of girlie sleepover games. They gave each other make overs and did each others hair and there was a little bit of drinking but nothing to over the top. They gossiped, and danced around the room and had a blast. Finally they all were exhausted and got ready for bed by 2 o'clock in the morning.
The guys had lots of drinking at the bar but Sidney did pretty good about trying to stay sober but he was slightly tipsy when the night was over. The guys were all staying at the house and they all passed out pretty quickly when they got home for the night.
The next morning the girls were all getting ready for Carrie's wedding. Carrie could not believe that she was actually getting married finally but it was happening and in a few hours she would be Mrs. Sidney Crosby. That thought made Carrie smile as she got ready. At one point her cell phone rang and Vero picked it up.
"Hello" Vero said.
"Hey you aren't Carrie. Who is this?" asked Sidney.
"Its Vero and if you hold on a second I will get your future wife for you" Vero said as she went to find Carrie who was sitting out on the balcony of one of the rooms.
"Hey Carrie, its Sidney on the phone" Vero said as she handed Carrie's cell phone to her.
"Thanks Vero." Carrie said as she took the phone, "Good Morning Sidney."
"Good Morning soon to be Mrs. Crosby. I just wanted to say good morning to you and hope that you had fun last night with the girls."
"I had a great time. We did all sorts of silly girlie things but I enjoyed myself and I got plenty of sleep so I am especially ready for today. Did you have a fun time with the guys?" Carrie exclaimed.
"Yeah I had fun and I hate to say it but I was not able to stay sober because the guys kept handing me drinks but I did get a good nights sleep too and am ready for today too" Sidney said.
"I am glad and I can't wait to see you at the end of the aisle in a few short hours" Carrie said.
"I can't wait to see you too. I love you" Sidney said smiling to himself.
"I love you too. And Vero is standing at the door motioning for me to get ready so I gotta go but I will see you very soon" Carrie said.
"See you soon doll face" Sidney said as they both hung up their phones and both went to get ready for the wedding.
"Hey guys how was your flight?" asked Troy as he took their suitcases and set them to the side.
"It was fine and we were lucky the twins slept the whole way. They are just now ready to cause havoc" Sidney said as he set down Aaron on the floor and he started crawling all around. Carrie came in behind Sidney with Ava in her arms. Ava started wiggling because she saw Aaron on the floor so Carrie put her down and Ava crawled off after Aaron.
"Wow they really are getting big, Carrie" Trina said as they went and followed after the twins.
"Yeah they are and they are pulling themselves up on things too. I know that Ava is getting ready to start walking at any time because she loves when Sidney takes her arms and helps her walk and she usually lets one of his hands go and tries but usually ends up on her bottom. But its just so cute" Carrie said smiling.
Sidney and his dad followed into the den where everyone was watching the twins moving everywhere. Sure enough Ava pulled herself up and was holding onto the couch and then reaching for Sidney to help her walk. So Sidney walked over to Ava and they showed off her walking. This time she actually let go of both of Sidney's hands and took a few steps before falling down.
"Oh my god. Ava you are walking!" Carrie exclaimed happily. She grabbed her camera and Sidney pick her up again and Ava took a few more steps as Carrie was filming Ava walking for the first time.
"Did you get that?" asked Sidney as he walked over to Carrie and put his arm around her waist.
"Yeah I did. Here you can look" Carrie said as she showed Sid her camera.
"I can't believe it Ava you are becoming a big girl now" Sidney said smiling at Ava, who was looking at all of them with her cute little smile. Carrie picked Ava up and hugged her baby girl and kissed her on the cheek, "Ava you just made my day sweetie. I love you and your silly brother so much."
Aaron was crawling around at Sidney's feet so he pick him up, "OK dude your sister is walking now you need to move it along too" joked Sidney as he kiss his son's cheek. Carrie smiled at her boys and realized how lucky she was with this amazing family she had. Sidney looked at Carrie and kissed her, "I love you".
Everyone else was starting to arrive and then all the craziness of the day began. The day started off with a lunch with everyone then the dress rehearsal, which went off without a hitch.
Finally it was dinner time and everyone met at a local seafood restaurant. The guests were all hanging around and talking but everyone wondered where were Sidney and Carrie.
"They knew what time we were meeting so what's the deal?" asked Troy as he looked at Trina.
"I don't know" Trina said as she pulled out her cell phone and tried to call Sidney, "He is not answering. It goes straight to voice mail".
"Hmmmm its not like them to be late" said Craig trying to call Carrie's cell phone, "It's ringing. Hey Carrie where are you? Everyone's worried."
"Sorry Craig. Sidney wanted to walk to the restaurant and we are just now at the door. See ya in a minute" Carrie explained.
Sidney and Carrie arrived and everyone was breathing a sigh of relief.
"We have been worried about you two" said Trina as she hugged Carrie.
"Sorry I just wanted a little alone time with Carrie before it gets crazy" Sidney apologized as he hugged his mom.
"Ok well we are glad you two are here so let's get this party started" joked Craig.
The rehearsal dinner was fun and everyone enjoyed themselves tremendously. It really was a fun party.
After wards the guys were off to a local bar to do bachelor party stuff and the girls were headed to the hotel where they were going to have a girlie sleepover party. Sidney grabbed Carrie's hands walked away for a few minutes alone before they both were going to be rushed off to hang out with their friends.
"Hey I just wanted to tell you, that I love you, Carrie Addison. I can't wait until tomorrow when you become my wife" Sidney said as he looked into her eyes.
"I love you too Sidney Crosby and I can't wait until you are my husband" Carrie said as she looked into his eyes.
"Have fun with the girls and don't do anything I would not do" joked Sidney.
"You better behave yourself and don't get into any trouble. Remember what happened to Jordan and Eric Staal before Eric's wedding!" Carrie said sternly.
"Don't worry about me, Carrie. I am going to be very careful because I don't need anything stupid and I plan on staying sober" Sidney said very seriously.
"I trust you completely, Sidney."
"I trust you too, Carrie."
Then Sidney leaned down and kissed Carrie deeply. They were being yelled at by their friends to save it for the honeymoon. Before they knew they were both being dragged away from each other.
The girls had a two rooms with all sorts of girlie sleepover games. They gave each other make overs and did each others hair and there was a little bit of drinking but nothing to over the top. They gossiped, and danced around the room and had a blast. Finally they all were exhausted and got ready for bed by 2 o'clock in the morning.
The guys had lots of drinking at the bar but Sidney did pretty good about trying to stay sober but he was slightly tipsy when the night was over. The guys were all staying at the house and they all passed out pretty quickly when they got home for the night.
The next morning the girls were all getting ready for Carrie's wedding. Carrie could not believe that she was actually getting married finally but it was happening and in a few hours she would be Mrs. Sidney Crosby. That thought made Carrie smile as she got ready. At one point her cell phone rang and Vero picked it up.
"Hello" Vero said.
"Hey you aren't Carrie. Who is this?" asked Sidney.
"Its Vero and if you hold on a second I will get your future wife for you" Vero said as she went to find Carrie who was sitting out on the balcony of one of the rooms.
"Hey Carrie, its Sidney on the phone" Vero said as she handed Carrie's cell phone to her.
"Thanks Vero." Carrie said as she took the phone, "Good Morning Sidney."
"Good Morning soon to be Mrs. Crosby. I just wanted to say good morning to you and hope that you had fun last night with the girls."
"I had a great time. We did all sorts of silly girlie things but I enjoyed myself and I got plenty of sleep so I am especially ready for today. Did you have a fun time with the guys?" Carrie exclaimed.
"Yeah I had fun and I hate to say it but I was not able to stay sober because the guys kept handing me drinks but I did get a good nights sleep too and am ready for today too" Sidney said.
"I am glad and I can't wait to see you at the end of the aisle in a few short hours" Carrie said.
"I can't wait to see you too. I love you" Sidney said smiling to himself.
"I love you too. And Vero is standing at the door motioning for me to get ready so I gotta go but I will see you very soon" Carrie said.
"See you soon doll face" Sidney said as they both hung up their phones and both went to get ready for the wedding.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Best Friends Chapter 37
The Penguins season was decent and they made the playoffs but were knocked out in the Eastern finals by the Carolina Hurricanes. They were all quite disappointed because it would have been great to have a repeat of winning the cup a second year in a row.
Sidney had a really good season too and was the leading scorer overall in the league and that was a tough competition with his rival Alexander Ovechkin, who ended up coming in second.
Sidney and Carrie relationship was stronger than ever because they were communicating well and figuring out better ways to solve disagreements together. Sidney was taking out his frustrations in his workouts instead of on his family. They were planning on being married on June 30th. Everything was set and it was just now for the date to show up on the calendar. To every one's surprised Carrie was really calm compared to Sidney who was nervous as all get out.
The guys had all shown up for a few days of guy stuff before the wedding. And they could tell Sidney was one nervous man.
"Sidney what's your deal?" asked Colby as he splashing Sidney in the face while they were all messing around in the pool at Sidney and Carrie's house.
"Hey Colby cut that out" Sidney said as he went under the water and swam and pushed Colby's legs out from under him. Colby went down and it was water fight time now. Max, Jordan, Marc Andre, and Craig all joined in on the water fight. There was plenty of guys acting like little kids and having so much fun.
Carrie and the girls had been out shopping and they were heading back to Carrie's house for swimming and then there was going to be a cookout. Carrie's parents were in town and watching the twins which was a relief for Carrie and Sidney. When the girls got inside the house, they heard lots of noise coming from the backyard.
"I think they are having fun" said Melissa, Colby's wife smiling.
All the girls put down their bags and went to see all the commotion that the guys were making by the pool.
"Yeah Mel, you are right. They look and are acting like children. Look even Sidney is really getting into it too. Carrie are you sure you want to marry him?" joked Vero as she laughed.
"Sometimes I wonder but I love him so much and its fun to see him like this" smiled Carrie.
The girls went and got dressed into their swim suits and then headed out to the pool and joined in on the fun.
At one point Marc Andre suggested that they get the girls on the guys shoulders and then the girls try and knock each other off. Everyone thought that sounded like fun so everyone was paired up and the competition began. First up were Marc Andre and Vero against Colby and Melissa. That was a serious competition because Vero and Melissa were really having a hard time knocking the other one off and the guys were trying their best to keep the girls from falling. But in the end Colby and Melissa won. Sidney and Carrie were up against Jordan and one of Carrie's good friends, Melanie. It was a tough fight there too but Sid and Carrie won in the end. Finally there were only two teams left and it was Sidney and Carrie against Colby and Melissa.
Sidney and Carrie were huddled together at one end of the pool quietly discussing strategy before the final match was to start.
"Listen hear doll face, we can beat them. I noticed that I can talk some smack at Colby about when he was here a while back and trying to make breakfast and I think that will distract him and then you can knock Melissa down."
"Works for me. You just better hold on tight to my legs hot shot and I think we can win this."
They gave each other a high five and then Carrie with Sidney's help got up on his shoulders. Colby helped Melissa up on his shoulders too and then they met up in center of the pool where Craig was playing referee.
"OK guys we want a clean fight. Colby and Melissa are you ready?" asked Craig. They nodded, "Sidney and Carrie are you guys ready?" They nodded to Craig they were ready to start. "Ready, Set, Go!"
Carrie and Melissa grabbed each others arms and tried to knock off the other one. Then Sidney stared his smack talk, "Colby does Melissa know what a pitiful chef you are?"
"What?" asked Melissa, which gave Carrie her chance and she knocked Melissa off of Colby's shoulders and into the water. Carrie and Sidney cheered and starting calling out, "We're number one! We're number one!" Sidney helped Carrie down and then they hugged and Sidney twilled Carrie around in the water. Carrie leaned down and kissed Sidney. Craig then announced, "We have the winning team of Sidney Crosby and Carrie Addison. Congratulations!" Carrie and Sidney smiled and everyone cheered and clapped for them.
Finally after everyone was totally exhausted from all the swimming it was time for Sidney and Craig to start up the grill.
The girls went into the kitchen to get the rest of the food and started bringing it out to the table. Sidney brought over the hamburgers and chicken too. Everyone got their food and then sat down around the deck to eat and talk.
"Three cheers to the grill chefs" Max called out and everyone agreed.
"This is so much fun, Carrie and Sidney, what a great idea for all of us to get together and relax before the big show" Colby said lifting her cup to them.
"I agree and a toast to Sidney and Carrie. You guys are perfect for each other and we all love you two" Vero said as she too lifted her cup.
Then Melanie started to speak, "Sidney you need to give Carrie a kiss now."
Then everyone started chanting, "Kiss Kiss Kiss".
Sidney and Carrie kissed and then Sidney whispered, "I love you".
"I love you too Sid" Carrie whispered back smiling.
All their friends starting cheering and Carrie and Sidney laughed and kissed again. It was a fun evening for everyone and then everyone helped cleaning up and then they all headed home because tomorrow would be the night before wedding. And everyone needed energy for the bachelorette and bachelor parties that had been planned for Carrie and Sidney.
Carrie's parents were keeping the twins with them at their hotel so that Sidney and Carrie could have some peace and get some sleep because the next couple of days were going to be hectic and fun.
That night as Carrie and Sidney were laying in bed watching classic hockey games on NHL network. Carrie was not as enthused about the game and so she picked up her book an tried to read but she really could not concentrate with the television and Sidney making remarks about the game what should have been done or not done.
"I see that you can't stop playing the game no matter what" laughed Carrie as she put down her book.
"Sorry I just can't help it. Its just the way I am, a perfectionist about the game of hockey" Sidney sighed.
"Hey its one of the reasons you are you and I love that" Carrie said as she winked at him.
"Yeah I love you too now come here so I can hold you and we can snuggle. After all tomorrow we will be sleeping separately and that is going to be hard for me because I sleep so much better holding you next to me" Sidney said as he held out his arms and Carrie moved over so they could snuggle. Sidney turned off the television and they went to sleep.
Sidney had a really good season too and was the leading scorer overall in the league and that was a tough competition with his rival Alexander Ovechkin, who ended up coming in second.
Sidney and Carrie relationship was stronger than ever because they were communicating well and figuring out better ways to solve disagreements together. Sidney was taking out his frustrations in his workouts instead of on his family. They were planning on being married on June 30th. Everything was set and it was just now for the date to show up on the calendar. To every one's surprised Carrie was really calm compared to Sidney who was nervous as all get out.
The guys had all shown up for a few days of guy stuff before the wedding. And they could tell Sidney was one nervous man.
"Sidney what's your deal?" asked Colby as he splashing Sidney in the face while they were all messing around in the pool at Sidney and Carrie's house.
"Hey Colby cut that out" Sidney said as he went under the water and swam and pushed Colby's legs out from under him. Colby went down and it was water fight time now. Max, Jordan, Marc Andre, and Craig all joined in on the water fight. There was plenty of guys acting like little kids and having so much fun.
Carrie and the girls had been out shopping and they were heading back to Carrie's house for swimming and then there was going to be a cookout. Carrie's parents were in town and watching the twins which was a relief for Carrie and Sidney. When the girls got inside the house, they heard lots of noise coming from the backyard.
"I think they are having fun" said Melissa, Colby's wife smiling.
All the girls put down their bags and went to see all the commotion that the guys were making by the pool.
"Yeah Mel, you are right. They look and are acting like children. Look even Sidney is really getting into it too. Carrie are you sure you want to marry him?" joked Vero as she laughed.
"Sometimes I wonder but I love him so much and its fun to see him like this" smiled Carrie.
The girls went and got dressed into their swim suits and then headed out to the pool and joined in on the fun.
At one point Marc Andre suggested that they get the girls on the guys shoulders and then the girls try and knock each other off. Everyone thought that sounded like fun so everyone was paired up and the competition began. First up were Marc Andre and Vero against Colby and Melissa. That was a serious competition because Vero and Melissa were really having a hard time knocking the other one off and the guys were trying their best to keep the girls from falling. But in the end Colby and Melissa won. Sidney and Carrie were up against Jordan and one of Carrie's good friends, Melanie. It was a tough fight there too but Sid and Carrie won in the end. Finally there were only two teams left and it was Sidney and Carrie against Colby and Melissa.
Sidney and Carrie were huddled together at one end of the pool quietly discussing strategy before the final match was to start.
"Listen hear doll face, we can beat them. I noticed that I can talk some smack at Colby about when he was here a while back and trying to make breakfast and I think that will distract him and then you can knock Melissa down."
"Works for me. You just better hold on tight to my legs hot shot and I think we can win this."
They gave each other a high five and then Carrie with Sidney's help got up on his shoulders. Colby helped Melissa up on his shoulders too and then they met up in center of the pool where Craig was playing referee.
"OK guys we want a clean fight. Colby and Melissa are you ready?" asked Craig. They nodded, "Sidney and Carrie are you guys ready?" They nodded to Craig they were ready to start. "Ready, Set, Go!"
Carrie and Melissa grabbed each others arms and tried to knock off the other one. Then Sidney stared his smack talk, "Colby does Melissa know what a pitiful chef you are?"
"What?" asked Melissa, which gave Carrie her chance and she knocked Melissa off of Colby's shoulders and into the water. Carrie and Sidney cheered and starting calling out, "We're number one! We're number one!" Sidney helped Carrie down and then they hugged and Sidney twilled Carrie around in the water. Carrie leaned down and kissed Sidney. Craig then announced, "We have the winning team of Sidney Crosby and Carrie Addison. Congratulations!" Carrie and Sidney smiled and everyone cheered and clapped for them.
Finally after everyone was totally exhausted from all the swimming it was time for Sidney and Craig to start up the grill.
The girls went into the kitchen to get the rest of the food and started bringing it out to the table. Sidney brought over the hamburgers and chicken too. Everyone got their food and then sat down around the deck to eat and talk.
"Three cheers to the grill chefs" Max called out and everyone agreed.
"This is so much fun, Carrie and Sidney, what a great idea for all of us to get together and relax before the big show" Colby said lifting her cup to them.
"I agree and a toast to Sidney and Carrie. You guys are perfect for each other and we all love you two" Vero said as she too lifted her cup.
Then Melanie started to speak, "Sidney you need to give Carrie a kiss now."
Then everyone started chanting, "Kiss Kiss Kiss".
Sidney and Carrie kissed and then Sidney whispered, "I love you".
"I love you too Sid" Carrie whispered back smiling.
All their friends starting cheering and Carrie and Sidney laughed and kissed again. It was a fun evening for everyone and then everyone helped cleaning up and then they all headed home because tomorrow would be the night before wedding. And everyone needed energy for the bachelorette and bachelor parties that had been planned for Carrie and Sidney.
Carrie's parents were keeping the twins with them at their hotel so that Sidney and Carrie could have some peace and get some sleep because the next couple of days were going to be hectic and fun.
That night as Carrie and Sidney were laying in bed watching classic hockey games on NHL network. Carrie was not as enthused about the game and so she picked up her book an tried to read but she really could not concentrate with the television and Sidney making remarks about the game what should have been done or not done.
"I see that you can't stop playing the game no matter what" laughed Carrie as she put down her book.
"Sorry I just can't help it. Its just the way I am, a perfectionist about the game of hockey" Sidney sighed.
"Hey its one of the reasons you are you and I love that" Carrie said as she winked at him.
"Yeah I love you too now come here so I can hold you and we can snuggle. After all tomorrow we will be sleeping separately and that is going to be hard for me because I sleep so much better holding you next to me" Sidney said as he held out his arms and Carrie moved over so they could snuggle. Sidney turned off the television and they went to sleep.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Best Friends Chapter 36
Warning Language
The next day Carrie had decided to go and see Craig because she felt like she had been ignoring him and wanted to spend some time with him. They decided to meet up at a restaurant for lunch and then hang out after wards. Sidney had taken the twins to the Lemieux's house so that Natalie could watch them and he could get to practice. Carrie got to the restaurant first and waited at the table for Craig to arrive, which he did a few minutes later.
"Hey sis how are you?" Craig said as he gave Carrie a quick kiss her temple.
"I am good" Carrie said with a smile and she move her sleeve slightly and Craig noticed the bruise on her arm.
"What is that?" Craig exclaimed as he pointed to her arm.
"Nothing Craig" Carrie said as she moved her sleeve back to how it had been on her arm.
"Don't say nothing, Carrie! What did Sidney do to you?" Craig was now pissed off.
"Please Craig this is not the place to get into an argument."
"Carrie don't protect Sidney. If he hurt you I am going to take care of it! And he swore to me that he would never be anything like Jack and now maybe I was right all along and what about the twins. Did he hurt them?" Craig was looking like the veins on his forehead were going to explode.
Carrie started to get upset but did not want to cause a scene in the restaurant,"He did not hurt the twins. They are fine just like I am. We can talk about it after we eat. Let's have a civilized lunch for my sake please" Carrie pleaded as she tried to keep the tears from falling.
"Fine but we will talk later" Craig said still sounding furious.
Carrie took a few deep breaths and then tried to relax with her brother at lunch.
When they left the restaurant they headed back to Craig's condo, where they talked.
"Show me your arms now Carrie!" demanded Craig.
Carrie pulled up her sleeves so that Craig could see the bruises that clearly were big hand prints on her arms.
"What the hell! Did he hurt you anywhere else, Carrie? And don't you dare lie to me."
"No he did not hurt me other than grabbing my arms. I swear on my life, Craig."
"I believe you, Carrie. Why did he have his hands on you in the first place?"
Carrie sat down on the sofa and Craig did the same.
"You know he had a horrible game last night. And then Ava and Aaron were crying most of the way home after the game in the car because they were tired. Sidney was yelling about having a headache and he was just in a pissed off mood and I was the one in the end who he let out his frustrations on by grabbing my arms. He apologized to me because I told him if he ever did that again he would never see his children or me and I don't think he liked the thought of that" Carrie explained.
"I still think I need to say something to him and its not going to be pleasant but I will make sure we are not in public so nothing happens to his precious image. God right now I really want to punch his lights out."
"I don't think a fight is a good way to solve what happened with Sid and me ok. I love him and I think he really does believe that I would take his children away for good. I also know he feels horribly guilty for last night anyway so leave him be for my sake, please" Carrie said as she looked at Craig.
"Fine, I will let it go but I really don't want to but for you and the twins sakes, I will let it go" Craig said.
"Thank you" Carrie said as she gave Craig a hug.
As Carrie was leaving Craig's condo she called Sidney because she did not know who was watching the twins.
"Hey Sid" Carrie said.
"Hey doll face what's up?"
"I am leaving Craig's place so I was just wondering where are my precious babies?"
"Natalie is watching them."
"Ok then I will head over there and pick them up. Where are you exactly?"
"I am actually just hanging out with Marc Andre and Max in the locker room and need to shower before I head out. So then I guess I will meet you guys at the house. Hey did you and Craig have a nice time together?"
"I will tell you all about it when I see you at home but it was nice to hang out with him."
"Oh no he saw your arms then" Sidney said as he ran his hand through his hair.
"Yeah anywho let me getting going and I will see you soon" Carrie said as she hung up the phone and headed to the Lemieux's.
Sidney hung up his phone and threw it down in his locker. Marc Andre and Max both jumped and looked at Sidney with confused looks. Sidney rarely caused a major commotion so Marc Andre decided to say something, "Sidney is everything ok with you?"
Sidney looked up and saw the two of them staring at him with confused looks, "I kinda did something really stupid last night and I am not proud of myself."
"What happened?" asked Max as he sat down next to Sidney and so did Marc Andre.
"I don't want to talk about it" Sidney said sounding annoyed.
"Dude we are family here. We help each other out so what's going on?" asked Marc Andre.
"I hurt Carrie" Sidney said as his eyes teared up and he put his hands in his face.
"What?!" exclaimed Marc Andre and Max at the same time.
"I hurt her ok and I am not proud of myself. I am not that type of person. I don't hurt people that I love but I did and it really freaked me out!"
"Is Carrie going to be ok?" asked Max looking concerned.
"She is fine and we have talked. That is why I was not here the other day. We needed a family day and time to work things out" Sidney explained.
"How and why did you hurt Carrie?" asked Marc Andre.
"You know I had fucked up game the other night and then the twins were crying the whole way home and when we got home and we were alone I started yelling at her and then I grabbed her arms and now Carrie has a couple of nice bruises on her arms because of my stupidity" Sidney said.
"Wow that's surprising" Max said as he shook his head in disbelief.
"Yeah please don't say anything to anyone because I don't want this spread around and Carrie and I have worked things out. I already feel extremely guilty and she even threatened that if anything ever happens again that I will never see her or the twins and I believe her."
"We won't say anything Sid. We promise and if you need anything just let us know ok man" Marc Andre said and both he and Max nodded their heads in agreement about not saying a word to anyone.
"Thanks guys I really appreciate it a lot and now I need a shower before I head home to my family" Sidney said as he got up and gave both guys man hugs.
Sidney got home and heard Carrie and the twins playing in the den and he walked in and saw an amazing sight. Carrie was playing with the twins and all three of them were giggling and having fun.
"Can I join in the fun?" asked Sidney from the doorway.
Carrie looked up at Sid and smiled, "Of course, hey Aaron and Ava look whose here, its daddy" Carrie said in baby talk to the twins. Sidney came over and sat down next to Carrie and joined in on the fun.
The next day Carrie had decided to go and see Craig because she felt like she had been ignoring him and wanted to spend some time with him. They decided to meet up at a restaurant for lunch and then hang out after wards. Sidney had taken the twins to the Lemieux's house so that Natalie could watch them and he could get to practice. Carrie got to the restaurant first and waited at the table for Craig to arrive, which he did a few minutes later.
"Hey sis how are you?" Craig said as he gave Carrie a quick kiss her temple.
"I am good" Carrie said with a smile and she move her sleeve slightly and Craig noticed the bruise on her arm.
"What is that?" Craig exclaimed as he pointed to her arm.
"Nothing Craig" Carrie said as she moved her sleeve back to how it had been on her arm.
"Don't say nothing, Carrie! What did Sidney do to you?" Craig was now pissed off.
"Please Craig this is not the place to get into an argument."
"Carrie don't protect Sidney. If he hurt you I am going to take care of it! And he swore to me that he would never be anything like Jack and now maybe I was right all along and what about the twins. Did he hurt them?" Craig was looking like the veins on his forehead were going to explode.
Carrie started to get upset but did not want to cause a scene in the restaurant,"He did not hurt the twins. They are fine just like I am. We can talk about it after we eat. Let's have a civilized lunch for my sake please" Carrie pleaded as she tried to keep the tears from falling.
"Fine but we will talk later" Craig said still sounding furious.
Carrie took a few deep breaths and then tried to relax with her brother at lunch.
When they left the restaurant they headed back to Craig's condo, where they talked.
"Show me your arms now Carrie!" demanded Craig.
Carrie pulled up her sleeves so that Craig could see the bruises that clearly were big hand prints on her arms.
"What the hell! Did he hurt you anywhere else, Carrie? And don't you dare lie to me."
"No he did not hurt me other than grabbing my arms. I swear on my life, Craig."
"I believe you, Carrie. Why did he have his hands on you in the first place?"
Carrie sat down on the sofa and Craig did the same.
"You know he had a horrible game last night. And then Ava and Aaron were crying most of the way home after the game in the car because they were tired. Sidney was yelling about having a headache and he was just in a pissed off mood and I was the one in the end who he let out his frustrations on by grabbing my arms. He apologized to me because I told him if he ever did that again he would never see his children or me and I don't think he liked the thought of that" Carrie explained.
"I still think I need to say something to him and its not going to be pleasant but I will make sure we are not in public so nothing happens to his precious image. God right now I really want to punch his lights out."
"I don't think a fight is a good way to solve what happened with Sid and me ok. I love him and I think he really does believe that I would take his children away for good. I also know he feels horribly guilty for last night anyway so leave him be for my sake, please" Carrie said as she looked at Craig.
"Fine, I will let it go but I really don't want to but for you and the twins sakes, I will let it go" Craig said.
"Thank you" Carrie said as she gave Craig a hug.
As Carrie was leaving Craig's condo she called Sidney because she did not know who was watching the twins.
"Hey Sid" Carrie said.
"Hey doll face what's up?"
"I am leaving Craig's place so I was just wondering where are my precious babies?"
"Natalie is watching them."
"Ok then I will head over there and pick them up. Where are you exactly?"
"I am actually just hanging out with Marc Andre and Max in the locker room and need to shower before I head out. So then I guess I will meet you guys at the house. Hey did you and Craig have a nice time together?"
"I will tell you all about it when I see you at home but it was nice to hang out with him."
"Oh no he saw your arms then" Sidney said as he ran his hand through his hair.
"Yeah anywho let me getting going and I will see you soon" Carrie said as she hung up the phone and headed to the Lemieux's.
Sidney hung up his phone and threw it down in his locker. Marc Andre and Max both jumped and looked at Sidney with confused looks. Sidney rarely caused a major commotion so Marc Andre decided to say something, "Sidney is everything ok with you?"
Sidney looked up and saw the two of them staring at him with confused looks, "I kinda did something really stupid last night and I am not proud of myself."
"What happened?" asked Max as he sat down next to Sidney and so did Marc Andre.
"I don't want to talk about it" Sidney said sounding annoyed.
"Dude we are family here. We help each other out so what's going on?" asked Marc Andre.
"I hurt Carrie" Sidney said as his eyes teared up and he put his hands in his face.
"What?!" exclaimed Marc Andre and Max at the same time.
"I hurt her ok and I am not proud of myself. I am not that type of person. I don't hurt people that I love but I did and it really freaked me out!"
"Is Carrie going to be ok?" asked Max looking concerned.
"She is fine and we have talked. That is why I was not here the other day. We needed a family day and time to work things out" Sidney explained.
"How and why did you hurt Carrie?" asked Marc Andre.
"You know I had fucked up game the other night and then the twins were crying the whole way home and when we got home and we were alone I started yelling at her and then I grabbed her arms and now Carrie has a couple of nice bruises on her arms because of my stupidity" Sidney said.
"Wow that's surprising" Max said as he shook his head in disbelief.
"Yeah please don't say anything to anyone because I don't want this spread around and Carrie and I have worked things out. I already feel extremely guilty and she even threatened that if anything ever happens again that I will never see her or the twins and I believe her."
"We won't say anything Sid. We promise and if you need anything just let us know ok man" Marc Andre said and both he and Max nodded their heads in agreement about not saying a word to anyone.
"Thanks guys I really appreciate it a lot and now I need a shower before I head home to my family" Sidney said as he got up and gave both guys man hugs.
Sidney got home and heard Carrie and the twins playing in the den and he walked in and saw an amazing sight. Carrie was playing with the twins and all three of them were giggling and having fun.
"Can I join in the fun?" asked Sidney from the doorway.
Carrie looked up at Sid and smiled, "Of course, hey Aaron and Ava look whose here, its daddy" Carrie said in baby talk to the twins. Sidney came over and sat down next to Carrie and joined in on the fun.
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